i just wrote a SorcererLightning rotation.
Code:public static void LightningCombat() { WaitForCast(); datLCL = DateTime.Now; Thread.Sleep(200); LoadVars(); if (!TargetInCombat()) return; if (MercCast("Mark of Power", !MyBuffs.Contains("Mark of Power"))) return; if (!IG) MoveTo(CT, 2.8f, "Force Speed"); if (!IG && BuddyTor.Me.IsMoving) StopMoving(); if (MercCast("Unbreakable Will", Me.IsStunned)) return; if (MercCast("Affliction", !CTDebuffs.Contains("Affliction (Force)"))) return; //**Defensive** if (HP <= 30) UseMedPackInInventory(); if (LightningCheckCompHealth()) return; if (MercCast("Recklessness", Me.ForcePercent <= 50f)) return; if (MercCast("Heroic Moment: Channel the Force", Me.ForcePercent <= 30f)) return; if (MercCast("Consumption", HP > 50 && Me.ForcePercent <= 20)) return; //**Offensive** if (MercCast("Recklessness")) return; if (MercCast("Thundering Blast", CTDebuffs.Contains("Affliction (Force)"))) return; if (MercCast("Crushing Darkness", !CTDebuffs.Contains("Crushing Darkness") && MyBuffs.Contains("Wrath"))) return; if (MercCast("Force Lightning", MyBuffs.Contains("Lightning Barrage"))) return; if (MercCast("Chain Lightning", MyBuffs.Contains("Lightning Storm"))) return; WaitForCast(); if (MercCast("Force Lightning")) return; WaitForCast(); if (MercCast("Lightning Strike")) return; //**Interrupts** if (!IG || Me.ForcePercent > 30f) { if (MercCast("Electrocute", (TC || TD <= .5f) && StrongOrGreater(CT))) return; if (MercCast("Jolt", TC && StrongOrGreater(CT))) return; if (MercCast("Shock", TC && StrongOrGreater(CT))) return; if (MercCastOnGround("Force Storm", TWR30 >= 3, CT)) return; if (MercCast("Force Lightning")) return; if (MercCast("Crushing Darkness", StrongOrGreater(CT) && !CTDebuffs.Contains("Crushing Darkness (Force)"))) return; } if (MercCast("Saber Strike")) return; }
Code:public static bool LightningCheckCompHealth() { try { //Comp = BuddyTor.Me.Companion; if (Comp == null) return false; //CHP = (float)BuddyTor.Me.Companion.HealthPercent; if (!Comp.HasBuff("Static Barrier")) if (MercCast("Static Barrier", Comp)) return true; if (CHP <= 50) { WaitForCast(); if (Comp.Distance > 2.8f) { MoveTo(Comp, 2.8f); Thread.Sleep(300); } if (CHP < 1f) { if (MercCast("Reanimation", Comp)) return true; } else { if (MercCast("Dark Heal", Comp)) return true; if (MercCast("Dark Infusion", Comp)) return true; } } } catch { Logging.Write("Error in CheckCompHealth()"); } return false; }
Code:else if (MySpec == SkillTreeId.SorcererLightning) { IsRanged = true; CheckPlayerBuffs("Mark of Power"); WaitForHeals(true, "Seethe", true, BuddyTor.Me.ForceMax * .8f); if (IG || PvP) CorruptionHeals(50); if (ValidTarget()) { LightningCombat(); return; } }
you know the rest ;-)
testing it right now... looks good on the first impression
I think all such interactions happens inside of instances we are doing to have to check to see if your in an instance with your name as owner if that returns true then we will execute the code right after you leave combat and not after. And it should only check for like ten seconds
if (BuddyTor.Me.CurrentTarget.IsFriendly)
Logging.Write("Target is friendly now!!!", BuddyTor.Me.CurrentTarget.IsFriendly);
Logging.Write("Target is notfriendly now!!!");
hey i'm using this routine.. at least i think i am.. i deleted the default folder that came with the buddy wing and put stable version of joe's in its place..
anyway, i'm playing a lvl13 sage atm.. balance if it means anything.. but it only uses telekinetic throw in combat.. occasionally project.. otherwise it just waits for throw and uses it.. it never uses force wave or disturbance or anything else.. is there something i could do to make this work a little better?
coolcool i'll try the test build then.. also is that how i'm suppose to use the routine? delete what was there and drop the test folder in its place? i use honorbuddy and you get a popup to choose, this one doesn't seem to do that..
using the test version now.. it's pretty much the same as the stable.. but now it pulls with mind crush if off cd.. otherwise it still just waits for throw and uses that over and over with occasional project..
ooh ok balance doesn't work.. bummer ok though at least i know now.. you say only heals works? so seer = yes, telekinetics = no, and balance you said was a no?
Republic - Jedi Councilor Shadow Infiltration = works well, and can be green (still uses force cloak during combat though).
Will update other classes as I play them.
Still updating...need coffee now![]()