I agree here he is taking a huge risk the higher he goes in court and ends up losing the more chance it will not be able to get out of it
Not only will he have his own court cost but blizzards
I have no idea where you guys are in the level of courts as such but it gets worse as you go higher to fight something
I have said this in the past and I am correct in saying it blizzard is bound by International Corporate laws this is why it took so long to take this company to court in the first place around the time blizzard dropped out 600 employees because of subs they feel that bots are the cause of it going by the survey you fill in after a Game Master ticket.
Most of my friends quit because of them I asked them this and asking the question why you quit it is because of bots not being able to make gold to raid as such or buying nice things
As for your Hearthstone bot that was a bad idea it will show to the court Bossland is trying to make money off another company's work and is greedy and not paying anything
This is why there are copyright laws you make huge money off another company and not pay them anything for there work that is breaking copyright laws... These laws are to protect you and blizzard it is simple as that
The lawyers blizzard is using they specialize in copyright laws they have been used by hp and many other company's out there even by Microsoft they are paid big money and they do win
Most of them did not start out as a lawyer some of them are rocket scientist or a engineer of some kind they make more money this way than what they used to do in the first place
That is the scary part they have brains all lawyers do but these guys are pro at what they do
Blizzard would of asked them if they have a case in the first place before taking you to court in the first place
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