Are you serious dude?!?!
I mean.. if you were stoned or drunk or something.. i wouldn't mind you saying that... but if you're not... then you're just plain stupid.
Sorry if i'm a little harsh, but i can't think of anything else to describe it.
Do you really think Blizzard,
A Multi-billion dollars Company.
With all their powers and resources,
Are going to "hire" people,
To play the game using a Bot,
To monitor the "popular" profiles, and find "the bots" to ban them??
isn't it easier to...
Send 2 Bytes to warden > warden detects the bot > kkthxbai?
Everyone knows that Blizzard can get ANY bot/hack if they wanted... they just avoid the hassle and do it every year once or twice..
Besides, they can't "absolutely" stop the bots as they are a Major part of the game's economy.
And if you actually took a minute to think of what you wrote, 1 puplic profile being used by 10k bots, or 10 public profiles used by the same 10k bots?
No wonder so many people get banned... some people just can't be helped.
You sire, have no clue.
No offense.