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Fastest Charachter 1-60?


New Member
Apr 2, 2010
What was your guys' fastest botted charachter 1-60? or 1-80? Post class and race. And if it was fast, attach the profile and mesh ;)

EDIT: come ON PEOPLE. 14 views and no posts? Really?
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Hunter fastest I done m8 unraf 1-60 5 days :) hawkers 1-60 dwarf profile best I used ;)
3 1/2 days hunter personel profile. Blood Elf. Quickest way to level is before you start get all the quests you know that you either have to gather something or kill something and then every now and again when they are done turn them in to get alot more exp.
Why don't people post their really good profiles? It didn't cost you anything to make it. It's not greed either. It's worse than greed, because with green you are trying to keep it all for youself to make yourself rich or more powerful. With this, it's just called BEING A FIERY DICK. IMO.U]
Why don't people post their really good profiles? It didn't cost you anything to make it. It's not greed either. It's worse than greed, because with green you are trying to keep it all for youself to make yourself rich or more powerful. With this, it's just called BEING A FIERY DICK. IMO.U]

In your own greed you aren't thinking through the risk in posting the really good profiles. Making them public to any extent means Blizzard can hypothetically get access to them either directly or indirectly. Directly? They by the bot and use it scout the area to monitor. Indirectly? If a profile is too good it is too used and they only need to wait till they realize a certain area in each zone is getting tons of bot reports consistently across servers.
I guess you have a point but still, at least make signup lists for people who want it.

If your going to use BB Code then please learn to use it correctly.
Why don't people post their really good profiles? It didn't cost you anything to make it. It's not greed either. It's worse than greed, because with green you are trying to keep it all for youself to make yourself rich or more powerful. With this, it's just called BEING A FIERY DICK. IMO.U]

It didn't cost you anything to make it.
Are you sure about that??
With the current navigation system, it takes 2+days of straight mapping/making a profile and finding the "best" spots to grind in.
a 1-60 profile is darn annoying... you have to make a new spot every 3-4 levels, 60/4 = 15 spot to be mapped,written in the profile, with all the vendors and mailboxes.
you can't just say "it didn't cost you anything to make it" , if it didn't .. why the hell don't you make one yourself; and then SHARE it since it doesn't cost anything?

because with green you are trying to keep it all for youself to make yourself rich or more powerful. With this
Please tell me you were joking....

Back to topic, from my own experience:
2-Hunters (and warlocks if you're using a GOOD CC)

And for above 60, it's always the DK on the Top of the list. :)
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In your own greed you aren't thinking through the risk in posting the really good profiles. Making them public to any extent means Blizzard can hypothetically get access to them either directly or indirectly. Directly? They by the bot and use it scout the area to monitor. Indirectly? If a profile is too good it is too used and they only need to wait till they realize a certain area in each zone is getting tons of bot reports consistently across servers.

Are you serious dude?!?!
I mean.. if you were stoned or drunk or something.. i wouldn't mind you saying that... but if you're not... then you're just plain stupid.
Sorry if i'm a little harsh, but i can't think of anything else to describe it.

Do you really think Blizzard,
A Multi-billion dollars Company.
With all their powers and resources,
Are going to "hire" people,
To play the game using a Bot,
To monitor the "popular" profiles, and find "the bots" to ban them??
isn't it easier to...

Send 2 Bytes to warden > warden detects the bot > kkthxbai?

Everyone knows that Blizzard can get ANY bot/hack if they wanted... they just avoid the hassle and do it every year once or twice..
Besides, they can't "absolutely" stop the bots as they are a Major part of the game's economy.

And if you actually took a minute to think of what you wrote, 1 puplic profile being used by 10k bots, or 10 public profiles used by the same 10k bots?

No wonder so many people get banned... some people just can't be helped.
Warlock 1-60 /played 7 days.

I used Glider tho :(

I'm having a hard time getting my chars to 60 fast enough, either bugs/dc/errors.
I wish I had a great profile/mesh for 1-60!
Mordd's human profile/mesh is a great one, if you are using Honorbuddy 1.333. If not, pretend I didn't say anything.
I just started a hunter yesterday, I will be leveling him 24/7 with fps's cc.
So far he has leveled faster than any other toon for me. I have a feeling he will get to 60 in less than 7 days. But we shall see.

The mulitpull feature is unstopable.
Butane My reccomendation is to get the minor glyph of mend pet, it increases pet happiness as you heal it, with how buggy pet feeding is, (whole nights with very poor xp becuase honorbuddy was trying to feed it a buzzard wing I had in my toons bank-took me a week to figure that one out.) this deff cuts down on alot of issues, also go with a tenacity pet like a bear or a gorilla becuase at 44 they gain thunder stomp.