Yeah, cross realm blows. It is a way for Blizz to avoid announcing massive server mergers, but in essence that is what they have done.
A couple of comments on this location and the profile:
You don't get RAF(300%) xp with a lowbie and an 85 grouped together. The two characters have to be within 4 levels of each other to benefit for RAF. If you are just using two characters then RAF doesn't matter. This may have worked originally, but somewhere along the way it was changed. On that note, even without RAF it is fast leveling for AFK. You can definitely level faster doing quests. The lowbie toon will gain roughly 4 levels per hour depending on how fast you can kill.
The way people get around this is to have 3 accounts perform this grind. 2 lowbies and one 85. The 85 does not have to be RAF, but the two lowbies should be RAF'd together. As long as those two are within 4 levels of each other they will benefit from 300% xp.
I found both profiles to be inadequate. The problem with the Grinding Mode profile submitted by another user is that it is a ground mount only bot. Selling and repairing with this bot suck and take forever. The problem with the Questing Mode profile is that it does not appear to be configured for looting. All of the actions are based on armor durability. The problem is that your bags will fill up long before you hit the durability mark for the flight profile to take affect. Because of this it does not use the custom profile for repair that allows you to fly. It uses the default ground mount autofind nearest vendor method to sell items.
To correct the problem I went through and edited the profile to trigger vendor events based on available bag space rather than durability. If the bot is repairing every time it sells then I will never have low durability. With that modification it works really well. After I get it to mail my frostweave to another character the profile will be perfect
At this point I have only ran this bot with 2 accounts(85 druid specialization tanking and a lowbie). The druid is wearing iLVL 350'sh pvp gear and is doing quite well. I tried it with a 390 iLVL mage and got destroyed. I would not attempt this with a clothie.