For people that were asking if its worth it to do this from 80-85...
It takes just over 24,000 kills to get a character from 1-80 using RAF. Fastest I have done this now is 27 hours. I now have 6 characters that I have done this on.
It takes over 27,000 kills to get from 80-81 at the average kill speed I was going. So it would take me longer to get 1 level than it took to get 80 levels.
The nice thing is I have 9 lovebird mounts sitting in my guild bank.
Don't bother doing this after you hit 80.
If you get the Mammoth vendor mount and use the leeg00 profile it won't travel and really boost your kills/hour.
In the OP, it was said you should be getting about 8 levels per hour 10-60, then 2 per hour 70-80. I am using a 377 Blood Dk with singular. He is getting 1700 kp/hr and it is taking me about 20 minutes per level, so only 3 per hour 10-60 (currently 45). Any idea why this is so? I know 1700 per hour is fine, but that's not 8 levels per hour, only about 3. Oh, no heirlooms or guild perk either.
its goes faster and faster believe it or not.... up till like lvl 20? someone correct me if I am wrong but at a certain point youll be lvling every 8-9 minutes
edit: i just did 77-78 in like 15 minutes
3-4 levels/hour is the max you can get. I really don't get why people always over emphasize stories.
Anyone figure out how to fix the problem where sometimes when the bot doing the killing decides to go to vendor he tries to walk or use ground mount? That's the only major issue that remains for me. Sometimes he'll fly & it works perfect.
Other times he runs or uses a mount. When he does that, he can get glitched too.