Wow, theres so much talk here of private buyers here.. I've tried looking every now and then for private sellers but to no avail.. I don't have GB, only HB, and even then I don't want to really bot anymore, too paranoid about my accs. It's so costly to buy the game plus 2 xpacs, especially with a part-time minimum wage job.
Long story short, I'm looking to buy gold, mainly because from what I understand, the prices are cheaper (cuts out the middleman, AKA, the big chinese seller websites). Prices have gone up to $4+/k for the few sites I trust from $3/k the last time I bought, but if I can get a good deal and get you some moola, PM me... Illidan US Horde.
If this violates some sort of rules, I'll delete this post.
Ok, now I am seriously confused - I thought that both HB and GB came with the same purchase... but he's saying that he only has HB?
I know that this is a very old post, but my question still applies. I have heard ppl say that they only trade with vanilla accounts, but HOW do you get the gold TO the vanilla account? Obviously you aren't farming with this account. So do you give the gold to the vanilla account via f2f(which is not diff than trading a gold seller f2f IMO)?made it several times while trading large amounts to china traders... the account got banned few hours later. not suspended, just banned. i only use vanilla accounts for trades.
The way i do it :I know that this is a very old post, but my question still applies. I have heard ppl say that they only trade with vanilla accounts, but HOW do you get the gold TO the vanilla account? Obviously you aren't farming with this account. So do you give the gold to the vanilla account via f2f(which is not diff than trading a gold seller f2f IMO)?
Zuabros' safe money transfer tips. All of below are just speculation, as I don't work for blizzard, of course.
Most money-transfer bans are based on an automated system. Blizzard thinks (and they are right) that it is easy to catch money selling by scanning money transactions.
Zuabros's Hinding Gold transfer method 1:
Auction House Method - It is know that some simple items sell for astronomical price (e.g. Haunted Memento is a pet that can sell for more than 40k. An epic mount like the seahorse can sell for more than 100k). If blizzard banned everyone that buys or sells those things (and make 50 or 100k transferes face-to-face), that would mean 1000s of banned legit users in a single day. we also see people using neutral AHs and friends to transfer high amounts of money from horde to ally, and those people never are banned for that. They sell cheap stuff for big ammounts of money.
WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? It means that from my point of view, GOLD TRANSACTION SCANNER is turned off if you trade something for the gold, even if it is a ridiculous pet, or one stack of copper ore. Sayd that, my method consist in asking for the buyer to PUT SOMETHING AT THE AH for the price of the amount of gold that he wants to buy. For example, a cat pet or an stack of ore for 100k gold.
It would be even better if the people put an low-level BOE epic, then it would be almost impossible for blizzard to detect (as people sell epics for the price they wish).
If your buyer is too dumb to use the AH, just ask im to trade some cheap stuff while face-to-face trading the gold. Never do a "clean" gold transfer. Always ask him to put something to trade for.
From what I understand of detection algorithims, this would totally neutralise blizzard method of detection.
YET, if you are banned... you can just stay that you bought that old piece of gear for 100k because you wanted that for transmog. That would be a nice way to get unbanned.
You can even have an epic lvl 70 gear (BOE), give it to your gold buyer via trade, and ask him to give it back (in exchange to the 100k gold).
Thats it!!!
What most people don't know is that IT IS VERY EASY to avoind being flagged as
How many friends do you know, that ask for the same amount of gold, as you sell to gold buyers.just a thought on this: if you're going to give gold to a friend, how would you do it? just give him the gold? well, yes, cos its your friend and you support him with gold, thats nothing against TOS. but would you say to him, lets do this action via AH or lets trade any kind of item when i give you so much gold... would you? i don't think.
I think guildbank is the safest.
Also write some communication with the person saying like:
Here thats for the guild you promised, tell me if u have news...
That sounds interesting but i'm not sure if it's better to trade my amount of 75k Gold with my main character, because of his legit history. I traded the 29k Gold with my main too and didn't received a ban so far. A new level 1 toon doesn't got anything but the gold trade action. The same with my bank guild. It only contains my farm char, my level 1 bankchar and all mats i farm. No legit history. So i'm not sure how to trade the gold. Hope someone can help me.create a new lvl 1 toon -> bring it to a guild vault -> inv him to guild -> withdraw gold -> leave guild -> trade buyer fastly (don't write ingame) -> after the trade is done log out instant -> delete toon -> stay offline for 15mins.