Awesome job on the routines. I'm using ExBard with no modifications, but I have some feedback on the Dragoon routine:
- Jump should have have an option. The animation will get you killed a lot on certain fights, like Titan
- Full Thrust isn't in the cooldown rotation? Seems like it'll use True -> Vorpal, then potentially break the combo if it needs to reapply any sort of dots/buffs
- Extending on the previous point, I'd move the 2nd and 3rd moves in a combo (Disembowel, Chaos/Vorpal/Full Thrust) up on the priorities so that the combo is always completed. You lose much more dps breaking a combo than you would gain from maintaining 100% uptime on dots/buffs. Any conditionals should be in the first move of the combo (Impulse Drive and True Thrust), after which the combo is finished no matter what
- Use Chaos Thrust instead of Disembowel as the condition for Impulse Drive. If there are multiple dragoons in the party, your Disembowels will override each other, which leads to complications.
- Your off-gcd abilities can 'cannibalize' Life Surge before Full Thrust goes off. This is a minor note; realistically you'd lose little from critting a Jump instead of a FT, but, you can potentially add a check on the off-gcd skills to not use it if LS is up
think these would be improvements, but Dragoon's not my main so I'm not 100% sure. I can ask some people in my raid who main Dragoon; meanwhile take it with a grain of salt.