Hey guys!
I'm here to apologize to all of you and to tell you that I'm finally/hopefully back.
As I have hinted before, I had a really rough time a few months ago caused by the havoc a newborn can do in a man's life.
To be honest, it was nothing compared to my last ~2 months. I had an accident and spent almost a month in the hospital. First fighting for my life, then lately for my sanity. PTSD is a bitch.
During the holidays I spent lots of time talking to my wife about how to go on and she insisted that I should just go back to my old life, do what I enjoyed doing.
So here I am and you guys are my therapy.
ps: I'm planning a few changes though, to decrease the workload on me, because working alone on 6 projects is really demanding. Not sure what these will be yet.
pps: Sorry, but I can't answer your questions right now(have to take the little one to the doctor), will get back to them either tonight or tomorrow.