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Eclipse - SkinBot

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Community Developer
Oct 15, 2010
Eclipse - Skin and Travel Bot with Video!

Now with video Tutorial!
Let me know what you guys think of the video tutorial.

NEW: Tuesday 25 November 2014 9:21pm! (PST (GMT-8))
-- Ver 1.1.3 --
Removed the creation of an empty database file if none is found (better to start with one than repopulate anyway).
Created some basic black listing.
Updated detection routines.
Updated targeting algorithm for the next skin-able mob.

-- Ver 1.1.2 --
Learned how to make a zip file without missing anything... Sorry guys.

If you like it, donate! Best way to show the love. If you don't like it, don't use it, and don't tell me about it =P

Eclipse SkinBot-Multibot:

Travel Form -
I use this constantly! (on passive mode) to go to tailoring dailies, to conquest vendors, etc.
You can go anywhere with 2 clicks (where you want to go, and the go button).
On this form you can save favorite locations
Search for your favs by or npcs by name and then automatically navigate to whatever place you have chosen.
This form will give you an IMAGE of whatever npc you click on (pulled dynamically from WoWhead) - This service took some doing, and i will probably eventually get my server's ip banned from WoWhead- until then, your welcome.

Learning Only -
Will keep track of every NPC/MOB/Quest you find so that later on you can navigate to them or select them to farm.
This is the mode to do navigation only in.

SkinBot -
Does everything that the previous skin bot does (in the "What it does" section below)
Does corpse run

Kill These -
You add a list of mobs to the kill list - it will only search and destroy THOSE types of mobs
it will fight anything that aggros on you.
You CAN use this mode to farm rares and elites.
Will remember every place i saw it X mob and go look there for it (Exceptionally useful against patting mobs)

What it does: (specifical to the skinbot - it also includes the features above).
Kills - Skinnable Mobs in places that it knows to find them.
Loots - Anything it can skin,
Skins - only skinnable mobs (via interact not cast)
Keep track of where it found skinnable mobs and go back to look for more when the current area is out of mobs.
DataBases mobs, npcs, and quests (like i said a prelude to other things)
Uses your selected/installed/configured cc to fight
will use Flying, Ground or whatever to get to mobs where appropriate.

What it Doesn't do:
Change Continents
Use flight points

What it will do (but doesn't yet):
Go to next area once it maxes out its skinning.
Avoid Elites.
Ignore targets that it cant navigate to (it should, but it doesn't yet)
Find the nearest vendor on full bags. - This is

DOT NET 4.5.1!!
Not sure if you have .net 4.5.1 or not? if your log has a bunch of lines that say this:
"EclipseSkinBot\Data\DAL.cs(189,61) : error CS1501: No overload for method 'GetValue' takes 1 arguments"
You need 4.5.1.

When you start it up for the first time - if your an in an area it isn't familiar with the mobs (IE has never skinned here before) it will not attack anything.

Instructions (how to teach it what to skin):
To add a mob to the database-
1. Hit start on HB then goto Skinbot settings and select learning mode.
2. Kill the mob that you want to add to the database
3. Loot the mob.
4. Skin it.
5. Go back to Skinbot settings and unselect learning mode and select skin mode.
6. Bags Explode

Check out the video tutorial.

Put in bot folder press Start on HB.
After you have populated the db - No loading profiles, no creating profiles etc., just turn it on and it will skin all day until your bags explode.

This bot is no longer available as a FREE community offering.
Thank you to all the users who provided feedback and helped make this bot better.
Also thank you to the 3 or 4 people who donated to this bot over the last couple of years out of the almost 2,000 downloads in the last few versions.

If you see this in your log:
Eclipse=>No more saved locations to visit- cleared recent locations.
Eclipse=>No skinnable mob found.
Eclipse=>No more saved locations to visit- cleared recent locations.
Eclipse=>No skinnable mob found.

That means you haven't trained it yet. Put the bot into LEARNING mode and go kill (or skin) something. Every time you click something it will ADD it to the database. Its a LEARNING bot and plays like a HUMAN. You have to teach people stuff - same here. It is meant to play organically not machine like.

Known bugs/Issues
Sometimes tries to skin pets.
HB tagged mob detection is weird - and therefore it doesn't know to ignore tagged mobs.
It doesn't always blacklist when it should.

Have fun and bot safe!
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nice! leveling a rogue right now, i'll be using this as soon as he hits 90!
Looks cool, sadly skinning doesn't really earn any profit on my realm.
nor does shuffling with skinning, so i'll leave it up to others to test it :)
Don't comment often, but if my comment will help you continue to share these amazing profiles then here it is. :). Takes the tedium out of leveling skinning on level 90 alts for sure. Thanks :)
will try this with my shammy, starting with leatherworking @ 177 :)

cheers mate!
Got it to work and it's pretty epic, Will see how well it goes overnight for a couple of hours
so far...it works nicely...but i found it to be a bit faster with singular...rather than with TuanHA's shammy rotation..so...i'd recommend using it with the default rotation handler..

great job with this bot!!
Don't comment often, but if my comment will help you continue to share these amazing profiles then here it is. :). Takes the tedium out of leveling skinning on level 90 alts for sure. Thanks :)

Thanks for the comment! It actually is the whole BotBase not just a profile. In actuality this should help you avoid needing to go hunt down a profile to download.
so far...it works nicely...but i found it to be a bit faster with singular...rather than with TuanHA's shammy rotation..so...i'd recommend using it with the default rotation handler..

great job with this bot!!

Thanks! Yeah I only use singular (it kept my shammy alive soloing 2 elites and 6 adds). Plus its best to test with what most people use. It does however hook into whatever combat routine you choose so if the CC is made right it should use whatever.
Tried it with TuanHA's Rogue Special Edition last night and it worked a treat. The area I was in was not that great for pulling as a melee so I'll try it again tonight with my Hunter. Will use singular to see if it makes a big difference. Thanks Twist! This is great!
40 downloads and only 3 people giving any feedback... hrm. Something wrong with that.
Hey Twist, i tried to test your bot but it doesnt show up in the bot selection, here's the log.
(The problem might come from me since it's my first time adding a bot.)


Hey Twist, i tried to test your bot but it doesnt show up in the bot selection, here's the log.
(The problem might come from me since it's my first time adding a bot.)

You need the .net 4.5 on your machine. I use reflection in my ORM and the old version of a reflection property set requires null being passed into the method. 4.5 does not. I dont want to redo my entire ORM in 4.0 so, yeah. THANK YOU!!!!! for uploading the log, or I would never have figured it out
Alright man, you were right :) It's working really nice right now, getting that skinning up! Thanks a lot
Alright man, you were right :) It's working really nice right now, getting that skinning up! Thanks a lot
awesome! glad i could help! Let me know how it does, what it get stuck on etc...
Also dont forget it DOESNT have ANY full bags behavior.
Hi Twist,

tried the bot and it worked like it should but has a problem with Mobs that are already tapped.

Eclipse=>Target changed to Great Turtle (72764)
Eclipse=>Mob is already in the database.
Eclipse=>Found skinnable mob - updating mob entry.
Eclipse=>Error at root level: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Eclipse.WoWDatabase.Core.ProccessFactions() in c:\Users\Sven\Desktop\Honorbuddy 2.5.9262.720\Bots\EclipseSkinBot\Core.cs:line 234
at Eclipse.WoWDatabase.Core.Pulse() in c:\Users\Sven\Desktop\Honorbuddy 2.5.9262.720\Bots\EclipseSkinBot\Core.cs:line 157

it points out this error and stops doing what it should be. maybe you can implement an ignore function or something.
This seems like a good mob grinder for exotic pets / mats for professions as well. Props!
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