he goes to vendor to buy poison then this happens
Attached to WoW with ID 3188
Loading Honorbuddy settings.
Log file: C:\Users\Samikk\Downloads\Honorbuddy\Logs\28-09-2010_4_50 PM Log.txt
Authentication successful.
Building spell book
Adding: Auto Attack
Adding: Dodge
Adding: Dual Wield
Adding: Find Herbs
Adding: Find Treasure
Adding: Frost Resistance
Adding: Gun Specialization
Adding: Lifeblood
Adding: Mace Specialization
Adding: Master of Anatomy
Adding: Parry
Adding: Pick Lock
Adding: Shoot
Adding: Skinning
Adding: Stoneform
Adding: Throw
Adding: Ambush
Adding: Dismantle
Adding: Eviscerate
Adding: Expose Armor
Adding: Garrote
Adding: Rupture
Adding: Slice and Dice
Adding: Backstab
Adding: Evasion
Adding: Feint
Adding: Gouge
Adding: Kick
Adding: Sinister Strike
Adding: Sprint
Adding: Detect Traps
Adding: Distract
Adding: Pick Pocket
Adding: Sap
Adding: Stealth
Adding: Vanish
Spell book built
New bot added!: Grind bot
New bot added!: PvP
Chose Hawker's Rogue 2.0 as your combat class!
New bot added!: Mixed
New bot added!: RaF - Combat Assist
New bot added!: Questing - Beta
Honorbuddy started!
Character is a level 27 Rogue
Current zone is: Wetlands
[Mr.MixedMode]:Mr.MixedMode Loaded
DHX eBuy: 3.2.2 By DHX: Protopally Loaded.
MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Samikk\Desktop\Mesh
DHX eBuy
FormLocationX: 20
FormLocationY: 20
UseExperimentalPathFollowing: True
KillBetweenHotspots: True
LogoutForInactivity: True
LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
SelectedBotIndex: 4
FoodName: 3771
DrinkName: 1205
MountName: Brown Ram
LootMobs: True
SkinMobs: True
NinjaSkin: True
LootChests: True
HarvestMinerals: False
HarvestHerbs: True
UseMount: True
PullDistance: 30
LootRadius: 45
FindVendorsAutomatically: True
TrainNewSkills: True
LearnFlightPaths: True
RessAtSpiritHealers: False
GroundMountFarmingMode: False
LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Samikk\Downloads\Wow\[QuestOrder] Dwarf-Gnome 1-60\Dwarf-Gnome 1-60 QuestOrder.xml
[Mr.MixedMode]:Mr.MixedMode Monitoring Disabled
Changing current profile to Wetlands
[mountDetect] initializing v1.5
[mountDetect] found 1 possible mount(s)
[mountDetect] using Brown Ram now :>
Moving to buy Poison
Blacklisted mount spot at <-3807.584, -823.6282, 16.94842>
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Sync Failed!
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance
Moving to buy Poison
Moving to Type: Repair, Name: Naela Trance