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Easiest To Bot >> HUNTER or DeathKnight<<?

I don't know why everyone is dissing huntard CCs, I think there are several great ones...
fopr leveling sure, biut whem it comes to fatming homor on a huntard, its like your a 4 year old playing. obviobot.
When it comes to "easiest to bot" as the thread stated DK still wins hands down. Blood spec you will never stop grinding, minimal downtime as blood spec. CCs are available etc. for low leveling and high end raiding.
Paladins Ret dps is good but I feel from experience dk was just "easier"
Hunter is good for farming mobs as well but there are some operation issues with botting them.
There are some classes I would avoid attempting to bot as they are not the "easiest" most information displayed in this thread is valid but to answer OP I'm sure most can agree "easiest" botting class is DK. Hence why you see so many of them.
tbh mate, it depends on what you wanna do in the endgame..

wanna be able to meele dps and tank? go with the DK..
pve or pvp?...
i like doing both pve and pvp, im not the best at dps so i rolled my hunter..
got 13 lvl 85's and its soo easy, even tho i botted 1-85, and i can still kill a dk with quite ease.. (even bloods)
hunters can solo dungeons just as easy, if not easier..
thats my side of it, pick yours :D
I think the hunter hate comes from the fact that, in the not too distant past, 85% of all hunters were bots with an unnamed pet.

DKs aren't bad to level at all if you get the dark succor glyph. Just set your CC to death strike at about 65-75% and you're golden. Big groups aren't a problem because you heal 20% anytime you kill something, essentially.

I've got a prot pally going now, very limited number of attacks right now so it's kinda boring, but no issues with adds, really.
When it comes to "easiest to bot" as the thread stated DK still wins hands down. Blood spec you will never stop grinding, minimal downtime as blood spec. CCs are available etc. for low leveling and high end raiding.
Paladins Ret dps is good but I feel from experience dk was just "easier"
Hunter is good for farming mobs as well but there are some operation issues with botting them.
There are some classes I would avoid attempting to bot as they are not the "easiest" most information displayed in this thread is valid but to answer OP I'm sure most can agree "easiest" botting class is DK. Hence why you see so many of them.

Pretty much this. DKs are the easiest to bot. I know when I played mine by hand it was insanely, stupidly easy to play, and even back then blood spec was the leveling spec of choice because it was extremely hard to kill them. So, yes, ultimately, to answer your original question the easiest class to bot would be a Blood DK.

Blood DK = Can't die.

You're doing it wrong. lol XD (I'm just trollin' ya)