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Easiest To Bot >> HUNTER or DeathKnight<<?


New Member
Mar 27, 2011
Class To Bot: Hunter Vs DK ~


I leveled my hunter to 15 last night, was planning on continuing it today, but.. I'm wondering, Is it worth doing the hunter, or just start a DeathKnight? - (I like running old raids for transmog, DK do miss out on old tier)

Anyway, What would be easier, I don't wanna roll something that Is going to die alot etc etc, how well It can be botted at 85 (farming profile, able to solo lower instance easy)

I couldn't quite remember who to post this, sorry If its wrong.

I would have thought DK be way to go, but just wanna see what everyone thinks.

(Better yet, post what you find the easiest)
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I leveled my hunter to 15 last night, was planning on continuing it today, but.. I'm wondering, Is it worth doing the hunter, or just start a DeathKnight? - (I like running old raids for transmog, DK do miss out on old tier)

Anyway, What would be easier, I don't wanna roll something that Is going to die alot etc etc, how well It can be botted at 85 (farming profile, able to solo lower instance easy)

I couldn't quite remember who to post this, sorry If its wrong.

I would have thought DK be way to go, but just wanna see what everyone thinks.

DK hands down.
DK start at 55 and have decent gear for that level (all blue items). But, DKs are played out now. I only say that because everyone has one. When I go in raids, at a minimum the raid is 30% DKs, and once I ran a raid where it was at least 70% DKs. I'm only speaking about my server, of course, and yours could be different.

I would say hunter, but the problem with that is that there is a lack of operational CCs for hunters. There are some, but they don't work at all, or don't work very well, for the most part. CLU doesn't decently as Marks, but I don't know if you can use it to level with. Fpsware's used to be pretty great, back when it was working a few years ago. As for DKs? Well, there's tons of operational CCs that work great, which goes to show that everyone is heavily into DKs and not so much into hunters.

for me, I go with the underdog and say level a hunter. Yes, it's going to be hard to do, but at least you can say you didn't hop on the bandwagon and choose a DK, lol. I'm not knocking them. I have one myself. I just tend to stick with the underdog.
Yeah, I know what you mean, I always see DK, and I did notice the Hunter's lack of CCs, which sucks. What about a Paladin, DK, Hunter or Paladin, would you still suggest Hunter?

I have found a lot of classes lack decent CC now though..

Yeah, I know what you mean, I always see DK, and I did notice the Hunter's lack of CCs, which sucks. What about a Paladin, DK, Hunter or Paladin, would you still suggest Hunter?

I have found a lot of classes lack decent CC now though..


I have one of everything except a mage. I wasn't too thrilled with leveling a mage. I noticed you said Paladin twice, so I'm not sure what your options were again. DK, Hunter, Paladin, and...? Right now, I would say Paladins are like DKs. Classic good and evil superclasses. They're both OP in their own ways. If I had to choose out of those, I would go with Paladin though, and the reasoning for it I haven't the slightest idea. I'm running my paladin right now as retribution, then I'll gear it for tanking.
Oh sorry, I meant it as, What about a paladin? Your suggestion out of DK, Hunter or Paladin, would you still suggest the Hunter.

I am actually thinking of Paladin, as you said, their like DK, except you get all three roles, I already have a holy priest, so I wouldn't be a healer :P

But I've never been a RET paladin, how are they, DPS wise?
I just leveled a hunter to 85 a week ago and it was my first time using honorbuddy. The Fpsware for hunter works pretty good but the quest bot sometime really seems stupid and it never boost my hunter more than three levels while I went to sleep..... I would say there are still a lot of bugs in the questing profile and to level a toon is not entirely AFK-able. :( But overall it still saved me a lot of time :D
And as a experienced, it's very safe to level a hunter and my toon rarely die while questing because hunter has pet lol
Forgive my bad English:p
Yeah. Are you Horde or Alliance, as I know Kick's profiles tend to favor the Alliance a little more, I've botted few characters, and like you said, It's hard to really AFK, but that doesn't always really depend on the class, It's mostly the profiles.( I heard rogues were hard to survive with though) - 70-80 I find really difficult using Kicks Profile, but I've always use to be Horde, I recently changed servers and now all Alliance. I usually just use Archeology once 70 now anyway.

I am actually leaning towards the Paladin as this stage, I know it wasn't mentioned in the initial post, but the fact they have plate, can heal, and in some way, resemble a DK, but at least Paladins have all tier, not just WOTLK + (Good for transmog :P)

I'm going to have to wait for Blizzard to answer my ticket before I start botting anything though. One simple question, and it requires an 8 day and 23 hour wait, funny thing, Its been over 24 hours and time hasn't changed.

Actually, If anyone doesn't mind, perhaps I could get some assistance with that question, It refers a character name I'm wanting >> "Loislane" << - Now, It says the name Is unavailable, but I checked the armories, not one person has the name, so Is that to say, blizzard has locked that name from being used, and for what reason would you think?
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I don't know why everyone is dissing huntard CCs, I think there are several great ones...
Well, only one person mentioned the hunter's CC, I don't see how you got 'everyone' from one person, and was only stating the lack of them. Hunters don't do so well solo'ing Instances, do they? - I mean, once pet dies, or even you pull to many, or once they start to focus on you, doesn't it become little difficult, I don't think Pets can hold aggro on multiple enemies?

At this point, Im fairly set on Paladin, but If I'm wrong about the above, please inform me.
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I'm on Alliance, and the profile went pretty smooth before 60s. And class that can heal is really good for botting. Plate might help a bit.... but my DK just died a dozen times while leveling in outland....:mad:
Hmm, Last time I ever botted DK was when I had GnomeTools Bot, possible CC issue?
Yea well, totaly depends on what you want to play and how much ur willing to wait untill ur 85.. so x). Main is DK but i've botted a troll hunter aswell from 1-85 it got stuck alot but went quite fast anyways. If you use BGbuddy when you sleep you will skip all the shit about it failing or mixed mode questing/bgbuddy beacuse as you alredy prolbably now PvP leveling is total afk-able. I'd say play hunter alot of hunters, but then again alot of DKs aswell HF =)

Well, only one person mentioned the hunter's CC, I don't see how you got 'everyone' from one person, and was only stating the lack of them. Hunters don't do so well solo'ing Instances, do they? - I mean, once pet dies, or even you pull to many, or once they start to focus on you, doesn't it become little difficult, I don't think Pets can hold aggro on multiple enemies?

At this point, Im fairly set on Paladin, but If I'm wrong about the above, please inform me.

Granted, my comment was a bit melodramatic. However, four people had responded when I posted, one person dismissed hunters by saying "dk hands down," two stated that there are a lack of "operational" hunter CC's, which I would strongly disagree with, and the last person only mentions FPSware, which was already mentioned in an earlier comment. And come on, all of the classes have great FPSware CCs, as long as the version and flavor of FPSware in question doesn't crash because it hasn't been updated yet.

I would say hunter, but the problem with that is that there is a lack of operational CCs for hunters. There are some, but they don't work at all, or don't work very well, for the most part. CLU doesn't decently as Marks, but I don't know if you can use it to level with. Fpsware's used to be pretty great, back when it was working a few years ago. As for DKs? Well, there's tons of operational CCs that work great, which goes to show that everyone is heavily into DKs and not so much into hunters.

And that does sound like a harsh dismissal to me, against all of the great hunter CCs out there...

Edit: and as long as you have decent lfr gear, you should be able to steam roll old school instances, unless you were asking about soloing instances to lvl, and that's a completely different question.
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Granted, my comment was a bit melodramatic. However, four people had responded when I posted, one person dismissed hunters by saying "dk hands down," two stated that there are a lack of "operational" hunter CC's, which I would strongly disagree with, and the last person only mentions FPSware, which was already mentioned in an earlier comment. And come on, all of the classes have great FPSware CCs, as long as the version and flavor of FPSware in question doesn't crash because it hasn't been updated yet.

And that does sound like a harsh dismissal to me, against all of the great hunter CCs out there...

Edit: and as long as you have decent lfr gear, you should be able to steam roll old school instances, unless you were asking about soloing instances to lvl, and that's a completely different question.

I would strongly disagree with you. I see you quoted me, but as I read over the text you quoted I noticed I made a typo. CLU does decently as marksman, not doesn't. And, I was speaking about Fpsware's CCs not working because I've tried them all on my toons. As I said, I have one of each toon except for mage, and all the Fpsware originals and Hazard updates fail to work anymore. If you got them to work, then huzzah for you, but for me they would not work. I don't know how to code, so I can't go in and edit anything to make them work, and if you didn't then I guess they just like you more than me. When I said the DK CCs worked better than the hunter ones, I wasn't lying. There are more active developers working on DK CCs than there are active developers working on hunter CCs, which means that the very few working hunter CCs are for LazyRaider and have no movement code implemented. CLU is being worked on to have that put in, and will be available for questing soon, if not ready already, but wulf said it's still a bit glitchy and is still being tested. Bowman works decently with LazyRaider, but I much prefer CLU over it. I tested on a dummy and with Bowman got ~6k dps in MM spec with my shite gear, but with CLU I got ~10k dps in the very same spec and shite gear. Bowman felt as though it was running slower than CLU. So, when I spoke of the hunter CCs, or the lack of them, I was not wrong in my observation as there are really only 2 worth mentioning out of the ones I tried (practically all 4-5(?) of them).

I leveled my hunter way back when I first started botting, and I used Fpsware's hunter CC, and it was brilliant, but as I said, that was back a couple of years or so ago, when his CCs were working at top notch and all these silly expansions and patches hadn't come out, breaking things as far as the bot and the CCs go. As for my spec? Well, I've always considered survival a PvP spec, with marksman being a dungeon spec, and beast mastery being a solo/questing spec. This has always been my opinion. No one has to agree with it.
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Depends on the CC really. for DK i did it myself since i didn't have HB by that time but right now at 85 DK is far better than the mage i do extreme dps /w it especially in PVP "EzFrost FTW" a hunter i myself dont have one...

the classes i leveled are mage "Extremely Hard.."
Druid "20 times easier than mage"
and currently a shammy "ShamWOW .... Just WOW" its actually pretty good but i had to redownload the HB cuz kicks profiles started going crazy.
Depends on the CC really. for DK i did it myself since i didn't have HB by that time but right now at 85 DK is far better than the mage i do extreme dps /w it especially in PVP "EzFrost FTW" a hunter i myself dont have one...

the classes i leveled are mage "Extremely Hard.."
Druid "20 times easier than mage"
and currently a shammy "ShamWOW .... Just WOW" its actually pretty good but i had to redownload the HB cuz kicks profiles started going crazy.

My DK was done by hand also.

Hunter: Fpsware Hunter
Warrior: Singular / Dunatank's mixture
DK: Hand leveled
Rogue: Fpsware Rogue
Warlock: DarkBen's Warlock / DayWalker / Singular Demo mixture
Paladin: Hand leveled
Priest: Singular
Druid: Singular
Shaman: ShamWoW
Mage: Amplify / Singular / Fpsware Mage mixture (deleted / never played it)

Now, I use a mixture of Singular and CLU with LazyRaider for PvE, and the EZPvP CCs wth BGBuddy/PvP Suite for PvP.