Hello shuwi,I have a bug with the achievement "Treasure Hunter" . The bot doesnt move to the locations. He picks 1-2 up and stop walking i have to stop / start the bot and run manually to the new location. What is the problem and how can i fix it ?
Hello JasonFalla,View attachment 188077Hello when I load auto loader it just keeps trying to load it over and over and nothing happens.
Hello minieggs,how do i select the auto farm The Saberstalkers Reputation ?
questingdo we have to run as grind or questing bot for this?
Learn to fly?
Do you have a tutorial?My English is not so good, it is better to have Chinese
Do you have a tutorial?My English is not so good, it is better to have Chinese
I can't see you hair figure, trouble under the hair can?9540321 @qq.com or send me emailIt is not working perfect for me atm so sry. If i get it work i will make a tutorial for you.
Hope this is OK for you.
Hello Enkitir,[Master Trasure Hunter] Ive collected 86 treasures and no one of the script will collect more... What am i doing wrong?
View attachment 189061
Edit: Ok, i see the master treasure hunter still in beta... when do you think it will be ready?
Would need a full log, not copy/paste off the console to focus your issue.getting a repeat error, also it no longer runs the dailies on any of my chars through the auto loaders
View attachment 189079
The treasure one wants to farm herbs and im not herbal trained so I just stand there ?
Would need a full log, not copy/paste off the console to focus your issue.
But in general, the Flying autoloader is intended to run the Tanaan dailies only till it farm the reputations to Revered, after then, they are skipped off the Flying Autoloader.
For repeated run on the Tanaan dailies, load the autoloader within the \Tanaan Diplomat folder instead.