I think I get the reason from HB developers NOT willing to allow the dl CC's.
Because it's possible to run malicious software trough the dll files.
IMHO, aint that the responsibility of the users whether or not to use a CC in .dll form (and check the .dll themselves).
Make a disclaimer in each CC post with a .dll CC, that HB doesn't take responsibility and blabla, you know what I mean.
I really think we as users should have the choice whether or not to use a .dll CC.
If you don't want to use it there's always the standard CC's and some CC's that are released in .cs format.
Leave the choice to us, make a poll for it.
Let us users choose.
If malicious software is run trough a .dll for which you hold no responsibility, then what can be the problem.
Otherwise point 1 man from the HB Dev team to compile the CC's and release them on the forums (Keep tony's mind away from the mute buttons so he has something else to do

Either way I hate to see Cimmerian, Convalesce, DBWarlock, Khryses, THeOneCC not being able to use anymore untill they updated it.
We finally get a new HB with working battlegrounds, and we loose the use of the CC's that makes HB run so great.