You know what I hear when I read all of Blizzards comments that you posted? Me, me, me, me, me, this hurts corporate earnings, me, me, me, me, me.
In your defense, you should really talk about the human aspect, and how Blizzard seems to not give a damn. Continuously adding features that increase the time sink and probability that the player will become overwhelmed by the game. Talk about cases of video game addition, people farming endlessly for days and days because Blizzard says this is what they must do to have fun. Then, The Buddyteam coming in to relive the stress and addiction of that player. The Buddyteam is like a nicotine patch for a addicted smoker, you provide the nicotine ( gold, items, farming ) so that the player can continue playing ( living ) without the addiction.
The Buddyteam is really here for the end user, that is shown in every action you guys have ever taken, without a doubt. Appealing to the human aspect of the discussion will be a powerful way to counter blizzards arguments.
The fact that they included evidence from their OWN FORUMS is plain stupid. It should be no problem to get that thrown out immediately, considering they moderate them and control what and who is allowed to speak. I would suggest you make your own poll on an impartial forum, but the userbase of any other forum is nothing compared to what the "official" blizzard forums are, so that is probably not going to happen.
These are my thoughts, because for me, The Buddyteam has been that nicotine patch. I am addicted smoker (player), and The Buddyteam has provided me with that nicotine (gold, items, leveling) that has allowed me to continue playing without putting at risk my own life outside of the game in order to succeed. If that is not a powerful enough argument against a corperate giant who wants nothing more than to captivate its audience to the point that they have no choice but to spend real dollars in order to succeed (RMAH) or risk our own real lives all because the game they (Blizzard) created is taking over.