Now that i got the writings from blizzard,
which are over 100 pages long, i will analyze them a bit here.
literal translation
Ok so, this massive multiplayer online roleplay game, where you at best can only join with 3 other friends, is crowded by bots in your private games, where you guys open a lot of support of tickets to get rid of the bots ? Please stop it! It hurts Blizzard.
Then, the Left Click, Left Click, Left Click, 2, Rightclick ~repeat 100??????, is not long term unattractive, no its the automation software that gets rid of the frustration of how the game is designed. Let me remember : Left Click, Left Click, Left Click, 2, Rightclick ~repeat 100??????
So now the bots are harming the massive SINGLEPLAYER game, because they do what?
I do not know, but do they really talk about the Singleplayer Game Diablo III ? If anyone has found the "Massive Multiplayer Features" yet, please inform me asap!
Diablo III has also a global multiplayer modus, how would you discribe it? I can't.
In the case they also mention that there was a discussion on forums, if Bots schould be allowed in Diablo III, now imagine what the non-censored folks decided ? This is really in the case .... they put a manipulated forum decision on their own forums AS PROVEMENT!
they even quoted one guy who told: We pray to God that something like this never comes
So far just the highlights till page 17, next post to come, just thought its too interrestion to wait for.
Lets go further,
there are few numbers about how much they pay for customer support in EU and US, right after that they mention:
Risk Services and Risk Operation that do search for Bots, Hacks and likely software is 12 people only in Europe, which i honestly do not believe, why should they search for a automation software that is not against the rules?
What in their opinion is what we do:
1. Geziehlte Behinderung ?4. Nr.10 UWG // Aimed Interference
2. Unlauteres Verleiten zum Vertragsbruch // Unfair to induce breach of contract
3. Vertriebsbezogene Behinderung durch empfindlichen Eingriff in das Spielsystem von Diablo III // sales-related disability through sensitive intervention into the game system from Diablo III
4. Mittbewerber // Competitor
The a lot of screenshots from the forum, and even some from Laria and Freeze that are no employees or have any connection to the company, besides moderating the forum. Ofc also some of me, Nesox and Hawker.
which are over 100 pages long, i will analyze them a bit here.
Die Verbreibung von Bots f?r Diablo III, deren verwendung nach den Nutzungsbedingungen des Spiels verboten ist, hat erhebliche negative Auswirkungen auf die Antragstellerin und behindert diese beim vertrieb des Spiels. Zum einen kommt es zu einer massiven ver?rgerung und Abschreckung der ehrlichen Spieler mit der Folge, dass das Spiel langfristig unattraktiv wird. Zum anderen fallen der Antragstellerin erhebliche Kosten f?r die Besch?ftigung von Mitarbeitern an, die mit der Bearbeitung von Beschwerden ?ber Bots und der Bek?mpfung von Bots durch technische Mittel befasst sind.
literal translation
The distribution of bots for Diablo III, the use of which is prohibited by the terms and conditions of the game, has a significant negative impact on the applicant and this hampered the sales of the game. Firstly, there is a huge annoyance and deterrence of honest players, with the result that the game is long-term unattractive. On the other hand incur significant costs to the applicant for the employment of employees who are involved in the handling of complaints about bots and the bots fight by technical means.
Ok so, this massive multiplayer online roleplay game, where you at best can only join with 3 other friends, is crowded by bots in your private games, where you guys open a lot of support of tickets to get rid of the bots ? Please stop it! It hurts Blizzard.
Then, the Left Click, Left Click, Left Click, 2, Rightclick ~repeat 100??????, is not long term unattractive, no its the automation software that gets rid of the frustration of how the game is designed. Let me remember : Left Click, Left Click, Left Click, 2, Rightclick ~repeat 100??????
So now the bots are harming the massive SINGLEPLAYER game, because they do what?
Bots f?hren in jedem Online-Rollenspiel mit Mehrspieler-Funktionen zu einer massiven Ver?rgerung und Abschreckung der ehrlichen Spieler.
Bots operate in any online role-playing game with multiplayer features to a massive resentment and deter the honest players.
I do not know, but do they really talk about the Singleplayer Game Diablo III ? If anyone has found the "Massive Multiplayer Features" yet, please inform me asap!
Diablo III has also a global multiplayer modus, how would you discribe it? I can't.
In the case they also mention that there was a discussion on forums, if Bots schould be allowed in Diablo III, now imagine what the non-censored folks decided ? This is really in the case .... they put a manipulated forum decision on their own forums AS PROVEMENT!
they even quoted one guy who told: We pray to God that something like this never comes
So far just the highlights till page 17, next post to come, just thought its too interrestion to wait for.
Lets go further,
there are few numbers about how much they pay for customer support in EU and US, right after that they mention:
Risk Services and Risk Operation that do search for Bots, Hacks and likely software is 12 people only in Europe, which i honestly do not believe, why should they search for a automation software that is not against the rules?
What in their opinion is what we do:
1. Geziehlte Behinderung ?4. Nr.10 UWG // Aimed Interference
2. Unlauteres Verleiten zum Vertragsbruch // Unfair to induce breach of contract
3. Vertriebsbezogene Behinderung durch empfindlichen Eingriff in das Spielsystem von Diablo III // sales-related disability through sensitive intervention into the game system from Diablo III
4. Mittbewerber // Competitor
The a lot of screenshots from the forum, and even some from Laria and Freeze that are no employees or have any connection to the company, besides moderating the forum. Ofc also some of me, Nesox and Hawker.