Would it be possible to rework the Pyro PT from the new guide from Dulfy that was put out a few days ago?
Pyro is pretty bad imo, why don't you go Advanced Prototype?
Also that guide has Fillers that require you to have set bonuses, i could try and rework the rotation but you would need to do the opener manually and then he does the main rotation for you.
Edit: Try this out.
// Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Bossland GmbH// See the file LICENSE for the source code's detailed license
using Buddy.BehaviorTree;
using DefaultCombat.Core;
using DefaultCombat.Helpers;
namespace DefaultCombat.Routines
public class Pyrotech : RotationBase
public override string Name
get { return "PowerTech Pyrotech"; }
public override Composite Buffs
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Combustible Gas Cylinder"),
Spell.Buff("Hunter's Boon")
public override Composite Cooldowns
return new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Buff("Vent Heat", ret => Me.ResourcePercent() >= 65),
Spell.Buff("Energy Shield", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 60),
Spell.Buff("Kolto Overload", ret => Me.HealthPercent <= 30)
public override Composite SingleTarget
return new PrioritySelector(
//Low Energy
new Decorator(ret => Me.ResourcePercent() > 40,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.Cast("Flame Burst", ret => Me.HasBuff("Flame Barrage")),
Spell.Cast("Rapid Shots")
Spell.Cast("Quell", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsCasting && !DefaultCombat.MovementDisabled),
Spell.DoT("Scorch", "Scorch"),
Spell.DoT("Incendiary Missile", "Burning (Incendiary Missile)"),
Spell.Cast("Flaming Fist"),
Spell.Cast("Flame Thrower", ret => Me.BuffCount("Superheated Flame Thrower") == 2),
Spell.Cast("Rail Shot", ret => Me.HasBuff("Charged Gauntlets")),
Spell.Cast("Flame Burst"),
Spell.Cast("Rapid Shots")
public override Composite AreaOfEffect
return new PrioritySelector(
new Decorator(ret => Targeting.ShouldAoe,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.DoT("Scorch", "Scorch"),
Spell.CastOnGround("Death from Above"),
Spell.Cast("Explosive Dart")
new Decorator(ret => Targeting.ShouldPbaoe,
new PrioritySelector(
Spell.DoT("Scorch", "Scorch"),
Spell.Cast("Flame Thrower"),
Spell.Cast("Flame Sweep")
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