I am using it in pvp right now, a few things i saw right form the start (yes, i use the pvp setting in "advanced" tab):
- The bot doesn't seem to be using charge in Combat (only as "pullspell"). Would it be possible to make it use Charge also in combat?
-The bot also doesn't seem to use Bladestorm. Possible?

-Same thing for colossus Smash and throwdown, as far as i could see.
-Finally, just a basic question: would it be better to bot with Fury or Arms in BGs?
Thanks for supporting Warrior and providing this CC, i hope my questions don't go on your nerves =)
Edit: Also, i have a problem with staying in melee range, but i think that is HB related (like, he runs after people, and doesn't get in range to hit them, for example by charging/berserker stance->intercept (if a CC can even do that?)).