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Default Warrior (Arms and Fury) by Fpsware

ah ok , thats a relief i thought something was wrong with it. Its not the bg profiles correct, so it really shouldn't be a issue to worry about?
fpsware, just dl'd the updated version and am now getting this error:

[12:30:12:390] System.InvalidOperationException: The current navmesh is null!
   at Tripper.Navigation.Navigator.a(TileIdentifier A_0, LoadedTileFlags A_1, Boolean A_2)
   at Tripper.Navigation.Navigator.GeneratePath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, QueryFilter filter, Int32 maxLength, StraightPathFlags[]& pathFlags, PolygonReference[]& straightPolys)
   at Tripper.Navigation.PathFollowing.TripperNav.MoveTowards(Vector3 point)
   at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.MoveTo(WoWPoint destination)
   at Bots.Grind.LevelBot.b6(Object A_0)
   at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
   at TreeSharp.Action.a.a()
   at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
   at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
   at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
   at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
   at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
   at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.b()

Looks like a navmesh issue but i havent changed anything other than the cc and the profile was working fine before todays downtime, could you just rule out if its a cc thing and i'll post in appropriate place after that, cheers.


Fps, I am having problems when it switches to charge, it still change stances then just stand their while HB says Activity: Combat and the current line in HB says -Charge. It has happened a number of times, I will post a log soon as it happens again. I deleted my original log from over night because it was huge.

Edit: Log attached of it doing it again while trying to farm a Whelp in the Swamp of Sarrows.


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fpsware, just dl'd the updated version and am now getting this error:

[12:30:12:390] System.InvalidOperationException: The current navmesh is null!
at Tripper.Navigation.Navigator.a(TileIdentifier A_0, LoadedTileFlags A_1, Boolean A_2)
at Tripper.Navigation.Navigator.GeneratePath(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, QueryFilter filter, Int32 maxLength, StraightPathFlags[]& pathFlags, PolygonReference[]& straightPolys)
at Tripper.Navigation.PathFollowing.TripperNav.MoveTowards(Vector3 point)
at Styx.Logic.Pathing.Navigator.MoveTo(WoWPoint destination)
at Bots.Grind.LevelBot.b6(Object A_0)
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.a.a()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.a.a()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.a.b()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at Styx.Logic.BehaviorTree.TreeRoot.b()

Looks like a navmesh issue but i havent changed anything other than the cc and the profile was working fine before todays downtime, could you just rule out if its a cc thing and i'll post in appropriate place after that, cheers.

This is nothing to do with the CC.
Fps, I am having problems when it switches to charge, it still change stances then just stand their while HB says Activity: Combat and the current line in HB says -Charge. It has happened a number of times, I will post a log soon as it happens again. I deleted my original log from over night because it was huge.

Edit: Log attached of it doing it again while trying to farm a Whelp in the Swamp of Sarrows.

I can't replicate this, I've had 2 warriors running and both stance dance + charge properly.
I can't replicate this, I've had 2 warriors running and both stance dance + charge properly.

Hmm, I had it happen a number of times on the Swamp of Sarrows Whelp profile, maybe is a pathing or mesh issue in that zone? I am going to run another profile tonight and let you know if it continues. I probably had it do it a number of 4 or 5 times, and I would just stop and start HB and it would continue.
Hmm, I had it happen a number of times on the Swamp of Sarrows Whelp profile, maybe is a pathing or mesh issue in that zone? I am going to run another profile tonight and let you know if it continues. I probably had it do it a number of 4 or 5 times, and I would just stop and start HB and it would continue.

Hay FPS I'm having a similare exeriance . I have a lvl 36 warrior fury speced and in grinding questing , and instancwbuddy he will change to Battle Stance then move in to fight, he will never go back into Fury stance. View attachment 11-12-2010_5_41 PM Log.txt
Hay FPS I'm having a similare exeriance . I have a lvl 36 warrior fury speced and in grinding questing , and instancwbuddy he will change to Battle Stance then move in to fight, he will never go back into Fury stance. View attachment 11089

Hey grave im also facing the same problem, i read through the combat cs file but nothing seems to be the problem. im going to level to lvl 40 and get my dual spec and see if it affects.
Hey grave im also facing the same problem, i read through the combat cs file but nothing seems to be the problem. im going to level to lvl 40 and get my dual spec and see if it affects.

Log file or I delete the post.
[1:47:41 PM:240] Loaded new tiled mesh for map "Azeroth".
[1:47:41 PM:246] Cleared POI
[1:47:41 PM:290] Pull Max Distance set to 5.7
[1:47:41 PM:290] Pull Min Distance set to 3.5
[1:47:50 PM:534] Loading settings ...
[1:47:50 PM:534] Loading settings from the config file...
[1:47:50 PM:579] Finished loading settings
[1:47:50 PM:579] Settings have been updated with your changes
[1:47:50 PM:766] Spell_C::CastSpell(6673, 0, 0x30000000589A60A, 0)
[1:47:50 PM:771] -Battle Shout on target Cooterce
[1:47:51 PM:93] New combat target Skeletal Fiend, resetting combat timer.
[1:47:52 PM:307] Spell_C::CastSpell(2457, 0, 0xF1300213001637D2, 0)
[1:47:52 PM:339] -Battle Stance
[1:47:54 PM:513] Spell_C::CastSpell(23881, 0, 0xF1300213001637D2, 0)
[1:47:54 PM:530] -Bloodthirst
Each time i switched to berserk stance it was not logged, and automatically after engaging the next mob it switches back to battle stance, happens during normal grinding as well as in ib. Hope this helps.


Yes thats correct.

You are a level 37 Fury, which means you don't yet know Raging Blow, if you don't know Raging Blow it will ALWAYS use Battle Stance.
Ok thank you very much, got this clarified out.

PS: I actually met with another problem which is a warrior in-game talent tree bug, which doesn't allow you to save 'raging blow' as a talent. Did a quick google search and found out that a quick re-spec solves the problem. Thought that posting this might help.
Im really impressed by this CC, i decided to get going with my warrior again last night. Started it a lvl 18 and went to bed, woke up this morning and it was 34.
Im really impressed by this CC, i decided to get going with my warrior again last night. Started it a lvl 18 and went to bed, woke up this morning and it was 34.

Love to know how u get it to run all night w/o crashing.

Great CC but HB is so crap right now. I know i'd make sick progress if I could just get it to run for more than a night. Can't w8 for Ther 3.0!

One suggestion for PVP section of Therm 3.0 FPS. You've no doubt thought of it already. Spam intimidating shout as soon as intercept/charge stune ends.
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Love to know how u get it to run all night w/o crashing.

Great CC but HB is so crap right now. I know i'd make sick progress if I could just get it to run for more than a night. Can't w8 for Ther 3.0!

One suggestion for PVP section of Therm 3.0 FPS. You've no doubt thought of it already. Spam intimidating shout as soon as intercept/charge stune ends.

Actually my HB did crash last night, when i woke up there was that microsoft box with"Send this error or Cancel thing", but HB was stil running.
Fps, I ran a different profile last night and when I checked it today, the last thing in the log in HB was -Charge and it will stand their not charging untill it eventually DC's form inactivity. I will try the newer version 3144 and see if it could be an HB issue, but I don't think so.
New build uploaded.

Minor tweaks and bug fixes.
Fixed melee range bug.
Fixed running circles around the mob bug.