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Decided to make a PvPRogue CC, Need some help and input.

Geting the same issue..

am I doing something wrong
I only get
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Loading
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Version: 1.0
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Spec Detected: Subtlety
Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
im activly working on it as we speak for another 2 hours, then im offline untill tommorow.

Just added 3 new things,
Redirect -
Poison -
Trinket -

Theres only a couple more things to add [ SmokeBomb, Cloak of shadows, Vanish, Blind ]
Smokebomb - im gunna try make it a Defensive, Use when im low HP, OR if im attacking a healer
Cloak of shadows - ??????????????? Not to sure when to use this as there are many options, Do i use this to run away, Do i use it to remove dots when getting owned by a lock, ETC
Vanish - ??????????????? Not to sure when to use this as there are many options, Do i use this to run away? or use it to re-open again in a combat to max DPS
Blind - Going to make it Blind a healer who is not actually getting targeted.

then a WHOLEEEEEEEEEEEE lot of testing,
ATM i only have 1 real tester ( i dont have a rogue )

we have been testing via skype's remote view lmfao
Also if there seems to be a error in the CC, try updating ya SVN ( as when im online and working on the CC im updating 1nce every 1 min or so often lol )

if there are errors its because i havnt been able to test it due to Agia not being online

also i am australian, hence why im always working in your night time etc. and thats why testing is slow ( unless Agia decides to have late nights >< )
if u need help testing i can gladly help. my main is a rogue and im a late night gamer. generally.
Small note for leveling users, using 2 of the same daggers ( 2x heirlooms for example) causes the cc to have a fit and sit there and spam poisons.
SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand

It puts crip on the offhand, then instant on the main hand, then sees the offhand, being the same name and item id as the main hand with crip, so it tries to apply instant, which is already on the main hand.

Went through this loop for 5 minutes on my low level rogue.
Poison issue fixed. along with alot of bugs.
update your SVN and you should be ok.

you must have Instant point and Cripling poison in your bags or it will go into a infiity loop ( still havnt added it )

as im going to bed now. and will continue tommorow.
will test it further once my 81 rogue is 85 and better geared for BG's.

Not performing well for me atm.

atm we still dev it, and my main tester is offline.

as soon as his on we should get rid of all the issues etc.
( might run like crap untill i can test it )
should be releasing it tommorow ( still a little bugs, but all of features work, extremly fast and effective! ) ,

have a issue with settings form atm thats why its taking so long.. something so stupid is delaying..

sleep then i should have a release.