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Decided to make a PvPRogue CC, Need some help and input.


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
Hey guys,

ive been going threw all the rogue class's and they really do seem to fail quiet hard.

i have started my public version of a rogue class.
i want to get into extreme details with this

im after some people who are 2k+ arena rating and have extremly good knowledge of a rogue
i myself /was/ a rogue, but i was always mutt spec in wotlk and never played Sub

i will be focusing extremly on Sub, then Assas

If you can help me out jump on Mirc #WoWGather, or PM me if you have MSN.

this will be my progression ETC. -> swiny - all my stuff - Google Project Hosting
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I'm glad you're doing this, I'm having a lot of trouble with rogue CC's for both PVP and Raiding. I'd be happy to help with whatever i can.
just need as much as possible info needed.

for Sub,
for each class -> what is your opener? - reason.

On Melee Classes I usually use CS, on Casters Garrote for the silence effect, Then spam HEMO to get combo points up ( this is my build by the way ) then Kidney shot, Go into shadow dance and shadow step behind, spam ambush, then Evisc when I can. Rinse repeat. The nice thing about waiting for shadow step is that IF and most do either blink or pesky hunters decide to trinket then disengage, I teleport right behind them and start to do damage on them anyways. If you want I can get down to the nitty gritty on how I play when it comes down to cool downs etc etc.
Swiny I'm really excited about this mate! I can't wait to pwn some noobs with it! I'm actually using this along with a sub/pvp rotation from pqrotation. Yours opens and pqr continues through its progression an it is very effective. On a side note the noxxic link above actually is to the pve sub page not the pvp page. Anyways hope all is well.

Any updates to this lately swiny? I'm looking forward to a finished product :). Love all your work!

Getting there, only need to add a couple of more things then some massive testing time ( i dont even have a rogue so i dunno how im gunna do that )

it should support all rogues from level 15-85

        public static void pulse()
            if (!Utils.SafeChecks.CombatReady) return;

            // If target is running, we need to chase!
            if (Spells.Shadowstep.CanRun) Spells.[B]Shadowstep[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.Sprint.CanRun) Spells.[B]Sprint[/B].Run();

            // Our main moves!
            if (Spells.Ambush.CanRun) Spells.[B]Ambush[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.ShadowDance.CanRun) Spells.[B]ShadowDance[/B].Run();

            // Defensives
            if (Spells.Evasion.CanRun) Spells.[B]Evasion[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.Kick.CanRun) Spells.[B]Kick[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.CombatReadiness.CanRun) Spells.[B]CombatReadiness[/B].Run();

            // Special Moves
            if (Spells.Shiv.CanRun) Spells.[B]Shiv[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.Dismantle.CanRun) Spells.[B]Dismantle[/B].Run();

            // Finishing moves.
            if (Spells.Recuperate.CanRun) Spells.[B]Recuperate[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.SliceandDice.CanRun) Spells.[B]SliceandDice[/B].Run();
            if (Spells.Eviscerate.CanRun) Spells.[B]Eviscerate[/B].Run();

            // if we are not close enough do nothing
            if (!StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.IsWithinMeleeRange) return;
            Spell.Cast(Spells.MainMove.GetName, StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget);

public static string GetName
            // Hemorrhage - [Sub Spec] [ infront ] - Must have up at all times
            // Backstab - 18 [ Behind ]
            // Sinister Strike - lowbie 
                // Frame lock it, as we are calling CanCast.
                using (new FrameLock())
                    // First check if we need to re-apply the bleed
                    if (Spell.HasCanSpell("Hemorrhage") && !Spell.HasMyAura("Hemorrhage", StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget))
                        return "Hemorrhage";

                    // Behind Check
                    if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget.MeIsBehind && Spell.HasCanSpell("Backstab"))
                        return "Backstab";

                    // Check if we can cast hemorrhage
                    if (Spell.HasCanSpell("Hemorrhage"))
                        return "Hemorrhage";

                    // Last resort is Sinister Strike
                    return "Sinister Strike";

public static class Pull
        public static void Pulse()
            // Lets open!
            Spell.Cast(OpenerName, StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget);               

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the spellname for the opener
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>SpellName</returns>
        public static string OpenerName
                // Frame lock it, as we are calling CanCast.
                using (new FrameLock())
                    if (Spell.HasCanSpell("Garrote")) // 40 - Garrote 
                        return "Garrote";
                    else if (Spell.HasCanSpell("Cheap Shot")) // 26 - Cheap Shot
                        return "Cheap Shot"; 

                    // Last resort is ambush
                    // if they dont have this, they seriously need to quit life.
                    return "Ambush";
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Swiny, can I request that when you are done with this, you also make a Lock CC ? Most Lock CC's here are total fail at raiding or PVP and I would love to see a decent one for my lock, too.

I am sick of failing to pull 20K DPS with ilvl 384 gear.
Ok, done a a few bgs and this is a list of suggestions


- Cast Kidney Shot first time it gets 5 combos and Eviscerate for every next 5 until kidney is up again
- Vanish when struck by multiple players and reopen on the one with lovest health
- Make it do something when rooted, immobile xD like do a fan of knives or throw or anything just not stand idle
- Backstab always when behind target
- Evasion when struck in melee by multiple players or when fighting a melee and under 50%
- Shadow dance after casting kidney, go behind the target and spam ambush, if shadow dance on cd spam backstab
- Sprint to reach the target
Ok, done a a few bgs and this is a list of suggestions


- Cast Kidney Shot first time it gets 5 combos and Eviscerate for every next 5 until kidney is up again
- Vanish when struck by multiple players and reopen on the one with lovest health
- Make it do something when rooted, immobile xD like do a fan of knives or throw or anything just not stand idle
- Backstab always when behind target
- Evasion when struck in melee by multiple players or when fighting a melee and under 50%
- Shadow dance after casting kidney, go behind the target and spam ambush, if shadow dance on cd spam backstab
- Sprint to reach the target

sub rogues never use kidney shot.
and rest is already coded in, but in more detailed :)

it should do good ( once i have some testers who can jump on MIRC ) to help me out test it as i dont have a rogue.
thats stun locking, and thats just how i play in bgs

was just a suggestion :)
Testing it now,

much better than yesterdays version! Will report tonight
Me and agia have spent most of today testing and getting bugs out, we just finished for today but will continue on tomm
It's about 85% done, by far one of best cc's already.

You can try it out from svn from page behind
It's still buggy but works for testing if u wanna try it
This is awesome, gonna test it tonight, currently lvling a rogue now @ 65. will let you know!
am I doing something wrong
I only get
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Loading
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Version: 1.0
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Spec Detected: Subtlety
Starting the bot!
This profile does not contain any profiles fitting the character!
Changing current profile to Empty Profile
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Instant Poison] to main hand
[SwInY - PvPRogue] Applying [Crippling Poison] to off hand