so for a prot paladin in ilvl 390 gear, how many runs per day could this thing do?
probly like 50 assuming it takes like 30 mins per run. maybe it takes less time?
so people can expect to get the mount after roughly 4-5 days if they bot 24/7?
maybe my shitty math is shitty, anyone have a number of runs they got in 1 day (on average, not the most, not the least)
Actually it's 5 Instances per hour not 4 iirc...
Do this...
Time yourself on a run. Start your timer the second you jump in to the instance and stop it the second you exit and you see the "Instance reset" message. Then edit the profile to add as much time as you need to get you to a 15 minute average Instance run time to be safe. Read below why 15 minutes and not 12.
I had was my ilvl 389 - 85 FDK dual-wielding two 550+ DPS weapons can cut through each mob in a matter of seconds. So I was having the same issue mentioned above, every once in a while I'd find my toon standing at the entrance with his thumb up his ass and no error messages - nothing in the logs. What I finally realized was that he was running the entire instance in almost exactly 12 minutes every time. Since you can only do 5 instance per hour 12 minutes put me right on the edge (5x12=60) so if I got lucky and missed aggro on a few of the yard trash on the way in or out I was getting through in less than 12 minutes and occassionally I'd get the too many instances in too short a timespan error and that stops the bot. So, I simply added 2 minutes to the timer at the very begining of the profile. Don't add it to the "outside the instance" timer as other players will sometimes be standing there and if you don't move or do anything for 2 minutes they may report you. I set it up so I'd exit the Instance, it would reset, and then I jumped back in where no-one could see me, then the 2 minute timer started and once it was done I started the run as normal. Now I'm averaging 14+ minutes per run and no-more smelly thumb...
Look for this in the profile near the top:
<If Condition="Me.MapId != 329">
<CustomBehavior File="MyCTM" X="3238.13" Y="-4057.148" Z="110.4538" /> <!-- Enters instance if not already inside -->
<CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="
60000" />
<CustomBehavior File="UserSettings" LootMobs="False" PullDistance="20" TrainNewSkills="False" LearnFlightPaths="False" KillBetweenHotspots="True" LogoutForInactivity="False" />
You need to change the
60000 to whatever amount you need to make a 15 minute average run... each 60000 is 1 minute so 120000 is 2 minutes and 180000 is 3 minutes and so on... I set mine to 120000 and it ran no-stop for 53 times until the Reins dropped for me...