I just want to say that Chinese servers can be upgraded to the latest version of the plugin ,thank the god~
[Portal] [HP: 100] [Mana: 100] Using the Fire rotation.
Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.
I just got a new World Quests today.
The HB start working when i repress the start button。MILLZ cc for Mega。
Is The mechanism of the system to complete the whole quest in one region, and then to complete quest in other region? or just choose quest by random?
I suggest that character can stop attacking the world boss until other player attack the boss while doing the world boss quest,otherwise the character could do anything stupid by attack the boss alone~
Hello, when I was in use before, there will be four tasks done, submit the task when acquiring the treasure case, where is the card. And how to set up can let him to do tasks can finish a map of qing dynasty, to the next map?
Highmountain/Warden Tower Assault - Nightwatcher's Perch [41420].xml)
Move error
Planned a path from <4328.202, 5709.312, 432.8376> to <4328.252, 3376.99, 1035.842> (2409.0 yards)
<4328.202, 5709.312, 432.8376>The right place
Every time I start it, it runs to a pvp tower in High Mountain and just stands there. I am horde and hthis is a horde tower, there is no world quest here for horde ever. I don't know what it is doing, but it might be trying to do an Alliance quest on my horde character. I have to uncheck High Mountain quests in order to do anything otherwise right to the top of that tower it goes.
Thanks for the product, really great. Not sure if this has already been mentioned - couldn't find it initially on search. I have seen a few people on the route using Crimson Deathcharger as this seems to be the default mount. I'm guessing this is an addition that needs to be made with the studio companion.
Loving the product, but something that would make it next level is if you could have it join groups for rare quest elites. A simple search under Questing > NPC Name usually comes up with results, and have it attempt to join the 3 groups with the most members, when at the NPC location.