Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 89.6, TtB: ∞)Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 87.2, noLoS, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 83.5, noLoS, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 79.1, noLoS, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 73.8, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 67.9, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 62.1, noLoS, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 56.1, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 49.8, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 44.3, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 38.1, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 31.1, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 23.5, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 15.9, TtB: ∞)
Activity: Moving to interact with Tash'irel's Edict (id: 250593, dist: 8.4, TtB: ∞)
Stopped moving.
[InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interacting with 'Tash'irel's Edict'
Interacting with Tash'irel's Edict (GameObject Id: 250593)
[InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interact with 'Tash'irel's Edict' succeeded.
Blacklisting 76BF for 00:00:01 [Type: Interact] - Reason: No reason specified. Caller: at Styx.CommonBot.Blacklist.Add(WoWGuid guid, BlacklistFlags flags, TimeSpan duration, String reason)
Activity: Completing 0s wait of 0s
Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center'
[InteractWith-Intera(debug)] No viable mobs in area.
Excluded Units:
Tash'irel's Edict [Blacklisted(Time(0s/1s),ForInteract)]
[Ref: "Tomes of Yore [42506]" @line 138]
Activity: No viable mobs in area.
[InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interacting with 'Tash'irel's Edict'
Interacting with Tash'irel's Edict (GameObject Id: 250593)
Goal: InteractWith-Intera: In Progress (no associated quest)
Interacting with Tash'irel's Edict
[Ref: "Tomes of Yore [42506]" @line 138]
[InteractWith-Intera(debug)] Interact with 'Tash'irel's Edict' succeeded.
We died, Clearing current POI
Activity: Releasing from corpse
I died!
Not in game