<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Craft Me All The Things!</Name>
<CodeChunk name="CraftFu"> <!-- Crafting Gearset -->
await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(3000);
ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 1");
await Buddy.Coroutines.Coroutine.Sleep(3000);
Fill in with ID's of the materials needed, where the first number is the ID,
and the second number is the amount you need as a minimum for 1 craft, for as many materials as there are in the recipe.
Then it will continue to craft <While> you have enough materials for 1 craft.
(And enough free item slots in your bags).
<While Condition="(HasAtLeast(XXXX,XX) and HasAtLeast(XXXX,XX) and HasAtLeast(XXXX,XX) and HasAtLeast(XXXX,XX)) and FreeItemSlots() > 1">
Fill in with RecipeId, minimum CP (if you actually want that, or just delete it),
and as many -1's as there are mats in the recipe (what that does is allow it to grab hq mats as well)
<Synthesize RecipeId="XXXX" MinimumCp="XXX" HQMats="-1, -1, -1, -1"/>
<While Condition="CraftingManager.IsCrafting">
<CraftAction Name="Steady Hand II" ActionId="281"/>
Base Skills change AbilityId depending on class, so you're going to have to change the id of Basic touch
to whatever class it is you want to do this on.
"Basic Touch", 100002
"Basic Touch", 100016
"Basic Touch", 100031
"Basic Touch", 100076
"Basic Touch", 100046
"Basic Touch", 100061
"Basic Touch", 100091
"Basic Touch", 100106
Alternatively, there's a behavior file that you can use to keep track of that for you (I'll include it), but that means you'll have to
change these <CraftAction> lines to look like this:
<CraftActionByName Name="Steady Hand II"/>
<CraftActionByName Name="Basic Touch"/>
<CraftActionByName Name="Careful Synthesis II"/>
And include <BehaviorDirectory>.</BehaviorDirectory> below the <Name> line and keep the two files in the same folder
<CraftAction Name="Basic Touch" ActionId="100002" />
<CraftAction Name="Careful Synthesis II" ActionId="100069" />