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Creating Profiles


New Member
Mar 14, 2014
Creating Profiles

There are a couple of ways of creating your own profiles and I will try to cover some of the basics here.

Reborn Profile Creator
This is mainly used for creating a grind area or a gathering area
1.You will need to choose the Profile Creator button in Rb

Which will bring up

2. Once here you will need to choose what type of path you will have.
Waypoint: a collection of single nodes which your bot will travel to one at a time
Mesh: which creates an entire collection of nodes in an area
Regular mesh: will create a bunch of nodes in a path
Mass Meshing: will create an entire area of nodes all around you
3. Choose Create New or Load existing based upon what you want to do

4. If you chose Mesh you will need to hit the Start Meshing button.
Once you start moving your character you will see a bunch of nodes start populating on the radar screen.
You will need to make a path/mesh around the mob/resource you wish to acquire.
a. If you are creating a grind profile you will need to target each mob you wish to grind in your profile and select the Add Current Target button for each mob.
b. If you are creating a gathering profile you will need to target the resource you wish to acquire and select Add Current Target.
You will then need to add the item name you wish to acquire from the resource you selected. Must be exactly as item appears in gathering screen. Capitalization matters.
After creating your path, choosing your mob/resource, adding in item to collect if gathering, its now time to save your newly created profile. Click the Save button.
Naming your profile.
It’s always good to include the X,Y coordinates from the in game map so you will know where to return to if you want to run the profile again.
You may also want to include the zone you were in as well as what level mobs or resource you were gathering.

OrderUp Profile Creator
This is a plug in you will need to install in order to use the OrderUp profile creator

OrderUp OrderBot profile generator by kagamihiiragi17 Here

This Profile Creator in its current state is used for setting up grind areas. Please see OrderUp guide which can be found below the image.
1-Activate Orderup in your Plugins console
2-Press the OrderUp button
3-You get the OrderUp Profile Creator

******There is an in depth OrderUp guide which can be found Here

Creating your own Orderbot profile
I am going to walk you through step by step of creating/modifying an Orderbot profile
Here is the profile another member is using to collect Rosewood Logs

  1. Name your profile
  2. Go Here to get the file that contains all the map and aetheryte ids. You can either enter just the id's or copy and past the "If" statement
  3. Enter in your GatherObeject here such as "Mature Tree" or "Mineral Deposit"
  4. Enter your Hotspot info here. Hotspots can now be entered in format <HotSpot Radius="95" XYZ="-105.6673, 6.807602, 258.9359" />
  5. Enter the name of the item you wish to gather such as Rosewood Log in the above example
  6. This is where you will enter the Spell is any you wish to cast when gathering
Save the profile and you are done
If you dont know how to get your location there are a couple of ways of doing this.
1.Go to plugins and start up the reborn console copy and paste this code: Log("{0} {1}",WorldManager.ZoneId,Core.Player.Location); then press Run Location will show at bottom

2. If you pull up the Reborn Profile Creator as shown in the first way how to create profiles under Player information it will show your X,Y,Z info for where ever your player is standing.

Here is a blank Orderbot Starter Template for you to enter all of your information into
View attachment Gathering Template.xml
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This is very helpful indeed and thank you. My question is, if I want to grind in different areas and need to teleport around, do I use both or just the orderbot?

Also how do I set a limit on how much time spent or Items acquired or even nodes gathered at before I teleport to the next location?
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I have a question, how can i make a fishing bot?
Im not really sure what i have to do to fish in a specific area. Can anyone help me?
Anyway to add in tool equip on level for gathering in Orderbot? Was wondering if anyone new the command to check level then equip appropriate tool from inventory? example:

<If Condition="Core.Player.ClassLevel &lt; 16">

<Equiptool Name="Bronze Scythe" ToolId="3" /> /* This is an example */


Anyway to add in tool equip on level for gathering in Orderbot? Was wondering if anyone new the command to check level then equip appropriate tool from inventory? example:

<If Condition="Core.Player.ClassLevel &lt; 16">

<Equiptool Name="Bronze Scythe" ToolId="3" /> /* This is an example */



Not right now. This is certainly a feature I'm sure is being looked into, however.
I was digging around for anything I could find-- Not having much luck with it because I don't know jack. :P

There's one thing I'd love to know- And that's how to detect for buffs (such as Stealth) and apply them if they're down. Is this possible ATM via an OrderBot script?
It's not really a GatheringSkill, of course, because those are for use while you have a node open. :/
I know this is probably staring me in the face but how do I best determine the HotSpot Radius? Example I want to do Mature trees in Hawthorne Hut and not the Lush Vegetation.

-Edit If you click on the profile creator the HotSpot is conveniently listed in Player information. :) Thanks Buddies!
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I am sure that this is probably and asked and answered question, but I was wondering how I can make a profile that will just kill mobs in a certain area. For instance, if I want to run some slightly monitored spiritbonding grinding on snurbles or something?

what happens if i die? does it just run back to the spot? do i need to create a ruturn profile or something?
I do everything step by step, but the character stay still and do nothing..I get the error [14:48:56.589 D] No viable path from <-137.4538, -0.4214565, 362.0119> to <-2006096, 7614766, 3850719> in 00:00:00.6631590 ms. This is the profile I made to gather Flax with Botany


<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-200,6096" Y="0,7614766" Z="385,0719"  />
<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-137,4538" Y="-0,4214565" Z="362,0119"  />

That right here is your issue, all of your "," commas need to be "." periods since it is decimals places and not one large number, so its throwing the error that it cant find location because it doesn't exsit.

Use this instead
<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-200.6096" Y="0.7614766" Z="385.0719"  />
<Hotspot Radius="80" X="-137.4538" Y="-0.4214565" Z="362.0119"  />
Is it possible for someone to make a little more detailed "Step by Step" guide for complete newcomers?

I have been trying different thing for a couple of hours now to get a profile up for gathering hippogryph skins and i keep running into different problems

My latest one is: How do i get the mob id? - <TargetMob id="271"/> is the one from snurble above but how do i find that number?

I have tried using OrderUp

I have tried "Create profile" - But that seems a bit to confusing for me

And right now i am editing files to make my own - I think i am doing everything right here only need to know where to find the ID's for mobs
Is it possible for someone to make a little more detailed "Step by Step" guide for complete newcomers?

I have been trying different thing for a couple of hours now to get a profile up for gathering hippogryph skins and i keep running into different problems

My latest one is: How do i get the mob id? - <TargetMob id="271"/> is the one from snurble above but how do i find that number?

I have tried using OrderUp

I have tried "Create profile" - But that seems a bit to confusing for me

And right now i am editing files to make my own - I think i am doing everything right here only need to know where to find the ID's for mobs

You find the mob on Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn (FFXIV ARR) Database, the mob ID can be found in the adress bar of your browser.

For a 'hippogryph' it's Hippogryph - Monster - Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn (FFXIV ARR) Database , where '789' is the mob ID.
Nice tutorial but i'm looking for something like , talk to a npc repair your gear or talk to a npc and take a quest of him and then grind monster do u know how can i make a profile like that? it doesn't seems like there's a profile creator for that or maybe i havent found it.