this keeps happening... this time in northend...
[17:04:54:071] Unloading tiles!
[17:04:54:073] Loading Northrend_21_24
[17:04:54:136] Loading Northrend_20_23
[17:04:54:218] Could not generate path from {4223.438, 5335.884, 30.65223} to {4547.218, 6351.079, -50.31137} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
P.,S I died in the water, a whale killed me so I ran to the body myself and it started again.. just died again and it seems to be working.... fine now but this keeps on happening.
[17:04:54:071] Unloading tiles!
[17:04:54:073] Loading Northrend_21_24
[17:04:54:136] Loading Northrend_20_23
[17:04:54:218] Could not generate path from {4223.438, 5335.884, 30.65223} to {4547.218, 6351.079, -50.31137} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
P.,S I died in the water, a whale killed me so I ran to the body myself and it started again.. just died again and it seems to be working.... fine now but this keeps on happening.
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