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[CoRo-Frost] A Combat Coroutine For Frost Death Knights

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I guess DnD could be bumped up the priority list a bit. I noticed, initially, it will spam out Howling Blast before it will cast DnD, this probably shouldn't happen. Casting DnD should probably be cast after the first Howling Blast...if not, before. Other than that it seems to be casting on cd if it isn't GCD/Rune locked.

Again you are correct. The current priority will cast Howling Blast into oblivion followed by Blood Tapping and rune dumping before reaching Death and Decay or Plague Strike for Pestilence usage. I'll take a look at your Elitist Jerks today and see what we can do.
Have you copied this to be 100% functional? : Frost Death Knight DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities (MoP 5.4) - Icy Veins

This guide was written by one of the worlds best DK's: Mendenbarr @ Sargeras - Community - World of Warcraft

By copied do you mean have I used the guide you posted? No, I have not. If you'd like to test the rotations out I can create all three current variations requested of me and we can see which one tops out dependent on gear level or I can probably add in all three. I'll take a look and see where I differ.

Edit i: It would seem that your guide is the same as Daemon9's as both are written by Mendenbarr

Edit ii: Your site was last updated September 10, 2013 where as Elitist Jerks was last updated April 02, 2014
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This rotation isn't showing up for me when loading up honorbuddy. I've placed it into the routines folder too.
Did you already have HB running when you added the folder? You might need to restart HB...
Nope, I'm usually good with adding and modding routines. This ones the first routine I've actually had this issue with :s
It just loads up singular right off the bat without even giving me the option to choose between Coros or singular like with other routines
Yep i used svn to add the folder into my routines. "coro-rotations"

Not sure what to tell you. Do you have multiple folders for HB? I installed my CoRo just fine...too bad I can't use it in it's current state.
Thread Update

>> Update: 07/29/2014 @1244CST <<

Changed level detection so that the routine will work from 55 on up instead of 90 only, Zip/SVN has been updated to reflect this change
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omg lol yeah i didnt think at all if it had level detection or not! Life saver haha
dag is a liar ;) the level detection is bound to level 55^^ (well at least what i've read in the code)
so u have to attach a log!
Thread Update

>> Update: 07/29/2014 @1920CST <<

Added two hand rotation but, needs refining! Zip/SVN have been updated to reflect this change
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Hmmm...something is not right. I took the CC to the Timeless Isle for testing on the Elder Great Turtles...decent length fights to see rotation and use of Soul Reaper, but...the CC just wouldn't work properly. It wouldn't cast spells constantly. I think it cast HB every 10 seconds or so. Here's the log...

Edit: Trying other mobs on the island and everything seems to be fine. Maybe it's just that mob in particular? Do you have any future plans to add Racials/Path of Frost/Synapse Springs/Raise Undead at all? It would definitely complete this CC.

Edit 2: Also, when do you have Empower Rune Weapon set to cast? I usually cast it myself when I'm completely rune locked and don't have enough RP to use Frost Strike. I induced this scenario having absolutely nothing to do for about 4 seconds and ERW still didn't cast.


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Hmmm...something is not right. I took the CC to the Timeless Isle for testing on the Elder Great Turtles...decent length fights to see rotation and use of Soul Reaper, but...the CC just wouldn't work properly. It wouldn't cast spells constantly. I think it cast HB every 10 seconds or so. Here's the log...

I'll take a look in a few. Might be my range check again...
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