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[CoRo-Frost] A Combat Coroutine For Frost Death Knights

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Community Developer
Jul 26, 2010
- (Public Release: N/A)
- (Public Beta: v09.10.2014)
- (Private Beta: v09.10.2014)

Mod Version: BE.TA.07
, by Dagradt(Community Developer)

How does it work:

CoRo-Frost is a PvE oriented routine structured around the Co-Routine styled Combat Routine development method. As there are no current variations of this new style supported here on the forums, I figured I'd give it a chance to see how the new method and expandable abilities fared against those of our current counterparts. With the switch to the Co-Routine method being that of an imminent affair, I thought that it would be well received by the community to see what you all thought of the this new method. I'd like you to remember that I'm still exploring the usages of this and thus as I become more accustom, and feedback is given, I hope to be able to bring fourth an exemplary routine we can all have fun with.


CoRo-Frost will support the Dual Wield PvE play style along with all applicable spells(non-GCD spells that are not needed for direct damage output will be left to the users discretion). One thing I must make clear is that I intend to make CoRo-Rotations simple, light weight, and effective sans the numerous expenditures in some of our current titans.

Available Translations:

English - v07.25.2014


Q) How do I install this CoRo?

Q) How do I use the SVN?
Please read the following thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/124801-guide-download-update-svn.html

Q) How do I use the hot-key feature?
A) Press once to activate/deactivate

Q) What are the hot-keys?
Shift + Q = AoE, ​Shift + E = CDs, ​Shift + S = Manual Mode

Q) What if I have an issue?
A) Post your issue in the thread below with your log attached

Q) How do I attach a log?
Please read the following thread: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-attach-log-kick.html
Download Now:

Only Honorbuddy licensed members may download the following files(s), click herefor more information:

- To receive the most up-to-date version, click on the following link:


If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know so I can add you and give you the credit you deserve:

- Handnavi:
For telling me I suck
- Millz:
For being around
- Mirabis:
For telling me I suck
- Nomnomnom:
For also telling me I suck
- Stormchasing:
For being the silent master in the dark

- Weischbier:
For fixing my casting method so this CoRo actually works and telling me I suck
- Xcesius: For always giving me new methods to use


Have a screenshot you'd like to share? Send me the picture and I'll post it!

Show your support:



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- Possibly add death timer
- Fix usage check to Empower Rune Weapon
- Add Food & Drink aura check so we don't buff while eating
- Add Mouse-over Raise Ally
- Add SS

Known Issues:

- Non-GCD spells cast with the start of the next spell instead of in the beginning or middle of the GCD
- Death and Decay and Plague Strike seem to be a bit slow off the get-go. Might need to increase their priority to ensure faster applications
- ERW checks don't return as I want them too in regards to active Runic Power
- SS call breaks RD(SS removed)
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Mile-Stone Implementations:

- 07/25/2014: Initial release(Beta)
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Thread update

>> Update: 07/25/2014 @1830CST <<

Found the Boss distance issue, will upload new revision in a few!
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Just curious if you're a heroic raider yourself? Always nice knowing the guy making a routine can test it in any environment first hand.
Thread update

>> Update: 07/25/2014 @1938CST <<

SVN uploaded with boss distance fix!
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Thread update

>> Update: 07/25/2014 @2159CST <<

Added AoE override hot-key, increased AoE detection range, fixed non-GCD spell spam, and SVN/Zip has been updated to reflect changes
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Just curious if you're a heroic raider yourself? Always nice knowing the guy making a routine can test it in any environment first hand.

Unfortunately my Death Knight is not geared for such. This isn't to say that I have not had the experience, just not with this toon/routine combination. This routine is to test the functionality of the new Co-Routine style but, if you were to test it here and there and give feedback I am sure we could tweak it to a heroic stand point.
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Thread update

>> Update: 07/26/2014 @0219CST <<

Increased AoE detection range, decreased AoE spell range, added Pestilence, and SVN/Zip has been updated to reflect changes
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Thread Update

>> Update: 07/28/2014 @1206CST <<

Condensed rotation code from dual functions to one single function and Zip/SVN has been updated to reflect these changes
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You have my attention! I've been looking for a Frost CC to succeed my current CC (DeepsDK, created and abandoned by Nuclear) and this could just be it. I love my Death Knight, but I'm a horrible theorycrafter, so I follow Elitist Jerks as they maintain solid and updated info on Frost/Unholy DK's. I hope you plan on updating this CC for a while and through WoD (and beyond!) because I plan on providing feedback on the performance of this CC and reporting an issues I come across.

With that said, down to business! I have studied CoRo's rotation a bit and, so far, the only thing I have noticed is the timing of Plague Leech in the DW priority. Plague Leech should be used when Blood Plague has 1-2 seconds left before it falls off. I have watched CoRo use PL almost immediately after BP goes up. Sometimes, it's 10 seconds...or 8 seconds. Below is a log.

CoRo definitely has potential. I was impressed at just how smooth this CC runs...and that contributes to some nice numbers. Once you get Racials/Path of Frost/Synapse Springs/Raise Undead implemented, this CC will be amazing. Also, one thing that CoRo does better than DeepDK is the AoE rotation. It's use of DnD is perfect!


Thread Update

>> Update: 07/28/2014 @1823CST <<

Tweaked rotation and set cast method to ignore a few redundant checks. Current upload holds 127K at ilvl524(all PvP ilvl522 except legs, feet, bracers which are LFR ilvl528) and Zip/SVN have been updated to reflect current changes
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You have my attention! I've been looking for a Frost CC to succeed my current CC (DeepsDK, created and abandoned by Nuclear) and this could just be it. I love my Death Knight, but I'm a horrible theorycrafter, so I follow Elitist Jerks as they maintain solid and updated info on Frost/Unholy DK's. I hope you plan on updating this CC for a while and through WoD (and beyond!) because I plan on providing feedback on the performance of this CC and reporting an issues I come across.

With that said, down to business! I have studied CoRo's rotation a bit and, so far, the only thing I have noticed is the timing of Plague Leech in the DW priority. Plague Leech should be used when Blood Plague has 1-2 seconds left before it falls off. I have watched CoRo use PL almost immediately after BP goes up. Sometimes, it's 10 seconds...or 8 seconds. Below is a log.

CoRo definitely has potential. I was impressed at just how smooth this CC runs...and that contributes to some nice numbers. Once you get Racials/Path of Frost/Synapse Springs/Raise Undead implemented, this CC will be amazing. Also, one thing that CoRo does better than DeepDK is the AoE rotation. It's use of DnD is perfect!

You are correct. Plague Leech is currently set to cast without regard to Blood Plague's duration. Instead I've set the rotation to cast Plague Leech if the rotation reaches that far down and we have a complete depletion of one of our rune pairs. Now in regards to Death and Decay, we see things differently as I feel it is slow and doesn't cast correctly or as soon as it should. You seem to like the placement it currently holds. Can you explain as to why you feel the current priority level is correct?

I thank you for your feedback and look forward to future details you find within this routine. Lastly, if you haven't already, please add me to your Skype.
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You are correct. Plague Leech is currently set to cast without regard to Blood Plague's duration. Instead I've set the rotation to cast Plague Leech if the rotation reaches that far down and we have a complete depletion of one of our rune pairs. Now in regards to Death and Decay, we see things differently as I feel it is slow and doesn't cast correctly or as soon as it should. You seem to like the placement it currently holds. Can you explain as to why you feel the current priority level is correct?

I thank you for your feedback and look forward to future details you find within this routine. Lastly, if you haven't already, please add me to your Skype.

I guess DnD could be bumped up the priority list a bit. I noticed, initially, it will spam out Howling Blast before it will cast DnD, this probably shouldn't happen. Casting DnD should probably be cast after the first Howling Blast...if not, before. Other than that it seems to be casting on cd if it isn't GCD/Rune locked.
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