so just playing with last selected deck (not selecting any deck, game will keep previous used deck selected) is dangerous?
It's not "dangerous", but that "feature" makes for a bad design.
Create a new custom deck, select it to play with, back out to collection manager, delete the deck. When you go back to play, there's no deck selected now, and the bot would be unable to choose a deck. It now needs another feature to select a random deck or stop on this condition, which adds to the complexity.
As opposed to a user typing the name of that deck, deleting it (let's say they forgot), when the bot tries to select it, it'll have an error that the deck was not found. This is a simple, user wants deck X, deck X does not exist type of issue, trivial to correct.
Basically, the concept of "last used" might as well mean "choose a random deck" to the bot, because users can play the game and interact with it when the bot is not running. As a result, there's an unpredictable element that makes for a bad design (imo) of simply saying "the bot should use the last selected deck in the client".
Then, when the game starts, and the bot uses the last selected deck, we'll get reports of people asking why the bot is using "deck X", and it was because that was the last deck they played, vs the last deck they wanted to bot with.
It's not that the problem can't be solved, it's just a feature that I've found to create more issues than it solves.
If a player emotes "Well Played" it would be nice to have the option to reply with the same.
Better emote support is planned, and work is being done behind the scenes to make the changes necessary to support it in the long run.