Generally, not dying is pretty helpful for raid dps.
True, not dying is generally a dps loss, but using a classes healing spell that only works when you kill something that yields experience or honor (warrior, for instance) isn't going to help you if you're targeted by a raid boss, or raid trash. Be smart and move them towards the tank(s), and pray that your healer is smart enough to heal you. After all, that is their job. I haven't read any dps theorycrafting that says victory rush or impending victory is a dps boost. Same with other healing abilities for other classes, including rogue and recuperate. I understand it gives back energy, but the way I understand it is that CLU is made for optimum dps rotations. So if wulf and his fellow developers say that this CC is not optimized for leveling, and healing skills are very low on the priority list, then it is what it is. It's not me you have to convince to move them. Talk to wulf.
oh for sure.. or like having a CC that moves out of bad stuff.. kinda obvious when I player is standing if fire while fighting.. seems a bit silly, Singular does it too but trips me out more cuz it uses shields and frost novas and moves from target yet it stands in fire.. How could something so smart be so dumb?
Usually it's the bot that moves you, and not the CC. The CC just handles combat, healing, tanking, and things like that. So, moving out of the fire wouldn't be the job of the CC. It would the be the script that the bot is using, such as dungeonbuddy's dungeon scripts, which tell it where to go and what to do as far as movement is concerned. CC movement usually just handles facing, targeting, and things like that. At least, this is how I understand it. If I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. As I said above, if you want the healing skills to be used more often, or at a higher priority, it's not me you should be trying to convince. Talk to wulf. I was only repeating what he's said on numerous occasions to others who've asked for the same thing. I love CLU myself, and I would love to use it on my rogue to level to 90, but with the lack of self healing while leveling, it's really hard to do, but I know that CLU isn't meant for leveling, so I don't bother him about it. I asked once, received the same answer you guys got, and I let it go.