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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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This CC is not meant for leveling. It's meant for dungeons and raids. This is why things like death strike, recuperate, victory rush, and impending victory aren't used in the dps rotations. They may be used for tank rotations -- with the exception of rogue and recuperate -- for self healing and dps/threat increase, but overall the CC isn't meant for leveling. :)

Generally, not dying is pretty helpful for raid dps.
Generally, not dying is pretty helpful for raid dps.

oh for sure.. or like having a CC that moves out of bad stuff.. kinda obvious when I player is standing if fire while fighting.. seems a bit silly, Singular does it too but trips me out more cuz it uses shields and frost novas and moves from target yet it stands in fire.. How could something so smart be so dumb?
Sorry if i missed it, but how do you set the warrior to pull by charge? (yes I know this is for raid/dungeon... but while singular isn't eating properly, i need to use this to grind bot.)

Thank you in advance... :)
you can add 1 simple line in your class spec code for working deathstrike/victory rush if you want it for leveling purpose
e.g for arms war you edit file Arms.cs and add line

 Spell.CastSpell("Victory Rush",                 ret => Me.CurrentTarget != null && Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent >= 20, "Victory Rush"),
its under part called "public override Composite Medic" and as you can see , you can even specify when exactly will it try to cast heal depending on your current hp like here
new Decorator(ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80 && CLUSettings.Instance.EnableSelfHealing,
= below 80% hp :cool:

  1. Removed CLU's Cancast method..we now totally rely on the built in HB SpellManager.CanCast (this should fix Elegon issues.)
  2. Updated Fury warrior - thanks to Kbrebel04 Note: Try the AoE...you will be..surprised! Highly recommended!
  3. Update to GetAuraTimeLeft, Update to GetAuraStack BECAUSE...unit.Auras was returning well.. weird..so we now we use unit.GetAllAuras()

Please report back your findings with Elegon!

I will let you know asap wulf, but I downed elegon last night :( hopefully it will work at the next reset tho.

I also want to know whenever if its possible to improve the Subtlety rotation for rogues with the CLU. From testing it on dummies, its great, but there are several things which needs doing to optimise the dps that it could do, by alot..

If you can modify the rotation so that it uses Shadow Dance with at least 80 energy pooled after the first Find Weakness debuff drops off the target (applied by using the opening ambush), and using vanish cds to use ambush again to apply find weakness whenever it drops off, and of course shadow dance (80 energy pooled) again later in the fight when it comes back up, and when find weakness debuff isn't currently on the target, will allow maximum up-time of Find Weakness Debuff on a target (70% armor reduction). Sub right now is the highest single target dps spec for rogues, when performed correctly, but it requires really good timing of cds such as vanish/shadow dance etc to maintain a high up-time of Find weakness... therefore I can imagine that CLU could easily achieve this by adjusting the priority list or however you guys code :) (ive no clue about scripts and such). But scripting the subtlety rotation so that it uses these cds as a priority when Find weakness is not on the target, will make the dps extremely insane, and making sure that energy is pooled before shadow dance is used will also maximize the dps too!
guess this was missed, this is one busy thread! ill post it again: using the druid routine, with use cooldowns set to false, its still using berserk and incarnation.
did some testing with the combat spec using CLU, it works great, but it is letting the energy cap and it doesnt spend any energy on any abilities while adrenaline rush and shadowblades is currently buffed with 5 stacks of anticipation and 5 combopoints up. I think this is due to CLU waiting for the Bandits Guile to reach deep insight before using the 5 combo points and 5 stacks of anticipation to spend on eviscerates. Is there a way to modify the rotation script so that it will use Eviscerate even with full stacks of anticipation and 5 cp if deep insight has not been reached yet to prevent energy capping no reason. This problem is reducing the burst at the start of a boss fight significantly when using adrenaline rush and shadowblades together :(

Heres a log of the dummies test, i kinda accidentally used grind bot at the start of the test, so I've marked down in the log with -=-=-==-=-=-=- Start here =-=-=-=-=-=- where i actually used Raid bot, and tested the rotation.

Sorry i keep reporting logs and such, but I really like this Class Routine project a lot, so I want to give it all to help you guys optimize it and make it the best PvE routine available :)


Any channce for the monk - windwalker CC to include the 2nd buff, legacy of the white tiger? (crit buff)??
Updated HB to 495 just now after work...svn updated CLU hoping my warrior-only problem would have gone....it wasnt :( freezelags now and then....and totally f-ed up when honorbuddy is in foreground...like 2 fps or so :S


Thank You,
Fire mage cant use scorch, ice barrier,rune power,Arcane Explosion.
ice block must use with cauterize.
Potion of the Jade Serpent is new potion.
Alter Time must use with TW.
thank you again.
Sometimes i have massive problem loading that blank profile when using combat bot with CLU, it takes like 6seconds or hb crash, anyone else too ?
Generally, not dying is pretty helpful for raid dps.
True, not dying is generally a dps loss, but using a classes healing spell that only works when you kill something that yields experience or honor (warrior, for instance) isn't going to help you if you're targeted by a raid boss, or raid trash. Be smart and move them towards the tank(s), and pray that your healer is smart enough to heal you. After all, that is their job. I haven't read any dps theorycrafting that says victory rush or impending victory is a dps boost. Same with other healing abilities for other classes, including rogue and recuperate. I understand it gives back energy, but the way I understand it is that CLU is made for optimum dps rotations. So if wulf and his fellow developers say that this CC is not optimized for leveling, and healing skills are very low on the priority list, then it is what it is. It's not me you have to convince to move them. Talk to wulf.
oh for sure.. or like having a CC that moves out of bad stuff.. kinda obvious when I player is standing if fire while fighting.. seems a bit silly, Singular does it too but trips me out more cuz it uses shields and frost novas and moves from target yet it stands in fire.. How could something so smart be so dumb?
Usually it's the bot that moves you, and not the CC. The CC just handles combat, healing, tanking, and things like that. So, moving out of the fire wouldn't be the job of the CC. It would the be the script that the bot is using, such as dungeonbuddy's dungeon scripts, which tell it where to go and what to do as far as movement is concerned. CC movement usually just handles facing, targeting, and things like that. At least, this is how I understand it. If I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time. As I said above, if you want the healing skills to be used more often, or at a higher priority, it's not me you should be trying to convince. Talk to wulf. I was only repeating what he's said on numerous occasions to others who've asked for the same thing. I love CLU myself, and I would love to use it on my rogue to level to 90, but with the lack of self healing while leveling, it's really hard to do, but I know that CLU isn't meant for leveling, so I don't bother him about it. I asked once, received the same answer you guys got, and I let it go.
Hey, im using CLU for warlock... tried singular but it just fails trying to cast soul harvest. But my problem is... why does it keep doing small steps when someone is running away, even if the enemy runs abit the bot just keeps doing "small steps" untill is in range to start dps, its kinda of screaming "im a bot".

Any help on configure this or if anyone is experience the same would be apreciated.
Hm if i start CLU as Rotation on my Feral Druid, it always say Restoration in the Configuration, is this correct?!
How are you going about Mistweavers? I tried it in a heroic (and snooped around your c0d3s) and it seems to really like to Fistweave as well as working in Healing spheres into the rotation. I suspect it's still fairly unfinished, but here's some thoughts from a raiders perspective.

Healing Spheres are usually ill advised because of their RNG type nature and effort requirement of actually placing one. The bot placing one underneath the tank is a very smart move.

Healing, as well as Melee DPSing, in botting environments can be risky. Mixing the two may not be desired by some. Theorycrafting wise, fistweaving is a better form of atonement healing, but it is not viable for healing medium+ levels of damage. As well, without doing it properly, mana will be a major issue. (if and when full fistweaving is implemented)

<!--Tier Words I Feel Like Typing-->
Tier 2 Support: Chi Burst on targets near other targets. You won't go too wrong with putting Zen Sphere on anything, while it is fairly weak for us right now. Chi Wave has good output when put on a tank, it's more likely to fizzle out if put on a dps.

Tier 6 Support: Rushing Jade makes SCK worth it. Xuen when there's totem help.

A rotation for healing that doesn't involve being in melee range would be greatly appreciated. Focusing more on renewing mists whenever possible, uplift, thunder tea + uplift, enveloping mist on heavy tank healing, ..etc
Couple warlock questions. First, little ass kissing. Love this, love the shit out of it. My only issue is that with demo form my toon transforms soon as he has enough power, than back. Also, can we have a setting to cast the life draining spell when 3+ mobs are around?

Also, i love this idea with the macros.

1) Start/Stop Rotation:
/script Manual= not Manual;
/run if not Manual then print("Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Rotation: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Just so my stupid ass understands, this starts and stops the dpsing?

2) Start/Stop Burst:
/script Burst= not Burst;
/run if not Burst then print("Burst: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Burst: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

And this blows all cool downs?

You sir, are the 2nd god on this fourm ive found if im understanding this correctly.
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Couple warlock questions. First, little ass kissing. Love this, love the shit out of it. My only issue is that with demo form my toon transforms soon as he has enough power, than back. Also, can we have a setting to cast the life draining spell when 3+ mobs are around?

Also, i love this idea with the macros.

1) Start/Stop Rotation:
/script Manual= not Manual;
/run if not Manual then print("Rotation: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Rotation: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

Just so my stupid ass understands, this starts and stops the dpsing?

2) Start/Stop Burst:
/script Burst= not Burst;
/run if not Burst then print("Burst: \124cFF15E61C Enabled") return else print("Burst: \124cFFE61515 Disabled") end

And this blows all cool downs?

You sir, are the 2nd god on this fourm ive found if im understanding this correctly.

The macros are for PvP and you can thank Dagradt for them (I dont think he has finished burst yet.):)

Having said that CLU has a "built In" Keybind system whereby you set your Keybind to the desired setting to toggle. Thus, you can toggle PauseRotation and EnableCooldowns.
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