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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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Combat: Kbrebel04
Changed Blade Flurry to Only be used on 2-6 mobs, it will Fan of knives+Tempest on 7+
it will use Eviscerate over Rupture when using Blade Flurry.
updated rotation to support stacking anticipation for more Eviscerates during Deep insight. added shadowblades and Adrenaline rush CDs

Assassination: Kbrebel04
Updated to use Dispatch procs immediately regardless of combo points thanks to anticipation
Updated to only use envenom at 5 CPs(only less of SnD is about to fall off)
added shadowblades CD and improved mutilate usage

- Updated Logging
- Corrected Range checks for bosses with silly hitbox's.
- Fixed BladeFlurry..and probably some more small issues when querying nearby enemys within all Class rotations.

Will you be fixing the pet healing bug with hunters?

Resolved a few updates back...
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Hopefully we can get a fix for this soon..but I dont have any toons High enough yet..we are looking into it thou so stay tuned.

What class/spec were you out of curiosity?

WW Monk, combat actually starts during phase two when you are attacking the Empyreal Focus, but hb doesn't do anything during boss or normal add phases. Once phase two is over and you are back on the boss, it stops responding again.

A suggestion I would make as this CC is for raiding, you make an option to disable FoF (keybindable of course). This ability is a slight dps increase but is a dps decrease if you are forced to break the channel (moving, etc). The fights I have seen in the raid so far have a ton of movement and there have been a few times where the CC starting to cast FoF as I started to move or during movement. I have actually commented it out completely in the CC and just control it myself if I want to use it.
WW Monk, combat actually starts during phase two when you are attacking the Empyreal Focus, but hb doesn't do anything during boss or normal add phases. Once phase two is over and you are back on the boss, it stops responding again.

A suggestion I would make as this CC is for raiding, you make an option to disable FoF (keybindable of course). This ability is a slight dps increase but is a dps decrease if you are forced to break the channel (moving, etc). The fights I have seen in the raid so far have a ton of movement and there have been a few times where the CC starting to cast FoF as I started to move or during movement. I have actually commented it out completely in the CC and just control it myself if I want to use it.

kbrebel has will be adding this functionality next update..with setable keybinds :)
Hi there,
Seems like the impending victory not working properly but i got it to work temporary, the problem with this fix is that i needed a condition to stop the spell from being spammed by the client, so the spell will only be used with victorious buff on till a better condition if found
go to:

find the following line:
Spell.CastSelfSpell("Shield Barrier", ret => Me.HealthPercent < CLUSettings.Instance.Warrior.ShieldBarrierPercent && Me.RagePercent >= 60 && !Buff.PlayerHasBuff("Shield Barrier"), "Shield Block"),

Add this line after it:
Spell.CastSpell(103840, ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80 && !WoWSpell.FromId(103840).Cooldown , "Victory Rush or Impending Victory"),

restart client,

i really dunno whats wrong seems like the function castspell can't proceed "Impending Victory" that why i used the id, if anyone can add a cooldown condition instead of the "victorious" buff it would be perfect

EDIT:added !WoWSpell.FromId(103840).Cooldown Hope it works better now
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thanks to Kbrebel04 we now have Windwalker updated to use a keybind with Fists of Fury.
I am not familiar with all the bot methods around. You recently implemented the pull method with version 3.3.4. This works great, but it seems there must be some sort of "OnAggro"/"SelfDefense" method. Whenever I harvest with a char, mobs which aggro me (which I haven't pulled myself are ignored and they beat me without me defending myself.
I use Assassination rogue.

Ive finally given in....

PullBehavior - should now work correctly when movement is enabled, some rotations do not have Pull abilities yet and probably never will..so please dont QQ.
Windwalker - Now Rolls and Flying Serpent Kicks in PullBehavior only when movement enabled.
Brewmaster - Now Rolls and Provokes in PullBehavior only when movement enabled.
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Great job in the CC guys .. :) and man i seen some logs of ww monk .. from kbre and wow its amazing
Yo CLU team! Im experiencing issues with severe freezeframe lag type of behaviour when im engaging the bot with my warrior. Im using the latest ver of testbuddy and latest SVN.

Everything seems to be starting out good...but then the lag starts once every 10 sec-ish or so. And when i switch Honorbuddy window from background (of my windowed wow) to foreground, i see wow just lagging out as hell there in the background.

This only occurs on my warrior. I even tried starting the bot in different specs to see if there maybe was an error in Arms just....but the same thing happened.

Loving Your work for my other chars! I hope that my warrior experience can become the same! ;)

Provided a log from my latest login with all fresh installs. Even if it probably wont tell you anything.

(also , im on a high end computer)


Sorry my bad English!

Use Life Spirit:
Edit class xxxx.cs

Item.UseBagItem("Healthstone", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 40, "Healthstone"),
Item.UseBagItem("Life Spirit", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 60, "Life Spirit"),

Working fine :)
Hopefully we can get a fix for this soon..but I dont have any toons High enough yet..we are looking into it thou so stay tuned.

What class/spec were you out of curiosity?

I linked a log of the same problem on elegon, CLU wouldn't use any abilities on him for some reason. its on pg 141 if you wanna see the log`

However the recent updates in CLU to hitboxes may fix the problem with attacking elegon using the CLU, ill find out soon and let you know :)
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I linked a log of the same problem on elegon, CLU wouldn't use any abilities on him for some reason. its on pg 141 if you wanna see the log`

However the recent updates in CLU to hitboxes may fix the problem with attacking elegon using the CLU, ill find out soon and let you know :)

I tried an attempt using another CC (TuanHA) and it still didn't attack elegon. This is perhaps a HB issue and not specifically CLU. I am running more attempts tonight and will update my HB/CLU to see if that fixes the issue.
Just updated again with a fresh HB....still warrior is causing me sick freezes...only warrior....gaaaaaah! ://
using the druid routine, with use cooldowns set to false, its still using berserk and incarnation.
how would i go about getting my feral druid to use healing touch when he has predatory swiftness buff active if less then 85% health
also getting freeze ups on my Frost Dk
Sadly the log i have are abit to big for the Forums so here is the one for today after Clu updated still abit choppy but better


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@CLU devs --
This is just so I don't forget. I know I need a log, but I have to search through them to find which one it is, so I'm not attaching it immediately to this post. I'll come back when I find it and attach it.

Now that that's said and done, I'd like to report that CLU is having an issue with aspects on hunters. I was using CLU to run heroics last night and had to change CCs because it kept trying to switch to Aspect of the Iron Hawk (which I am talented into) and instead, it would turn all aspects off. I would manually turn on AotIH, and it would then try to switch again, and would disable all aspects. It's also running slowly, or rather, it feels like it's very sluggish compared to a couple of other hunter CCs I tried out. The DPS seems to be comparable, and would probably be on par, or higher, if the aspect issue was fixed, but for some reason it just seems to be slower than all the others.


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