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CLU (Codified Likeness Utility) - (Pt. 2)

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AOtD queuing not planned for this CC
Thanks for the Hint with the Engineering gloves, we will check this :)

p.s. calling AOtD midfight, is a dps-loss, call'em at the beginning ... all is fine, midfight you'll waste runes for minor DPS

could u pls provide a log for the Gloves-Issue?
Glove-Usage is the same like trinkets, and trinket cd is remembered right, so ... for gloves it should see the CD too

Thanks for the quick answer. I will provide you a log soon (tm). Something else now... How much is the difference between Raidbot/Frame lock DPS and without these settings? The functionality to have a key available to stop the CC is too good.
Thanks for the quick answer. I will provide you a log soon (tm). Something else now... How much is the difference between Raidbot/Frame lock DPS and without these settings? The functionality to have a key available to stop the CC is too good.

Soon, but not with CLU.
Suggestion : Warlocks

Currently if you use grimoire of sacrifice and you sac your pet for the buff the profile auto resummons the pet. Can this be adjusted and fixed?
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Casting Debuff] Hunter's Mark : (RefreshTime=2) had 0 second(s) left : Hunter's Mark cast time = 0
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Casting] Kill Command on Shao-Tien Precursor
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Buff] Failed to cast Focus Fire for Focus Fire, Exception thrown:: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at CLU.Classes.Hunter.BeastMastery.<get_SingleRotation>b__2c(Object ret) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Hunter\BeastMastery.cs:line 192
at CLU.Base.Buff.<>c__DisplayClass52.<CastBuff>b__4f(Object a) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs:line 921
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Buff] Failed to cast Focus Fire for Focus Fire, Exception thrown:: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at CLU.Classes.Hunter.BeastMastery.<get_SingleRotation>b__2c(Object ret) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Hunter\BeastMastery.cs:line 192
at CLU.Base.Buff.<>c__DisplayClass52.<CastBuff>b__4f(Object a) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs:line 921
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Buff] Failed to cast Focus Fire for Focus Fire, Exception thrown:: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at CLU.Classes.Hunter.BeastMastery.<get_SingleRotation>b__2c(Object ret) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Hunter\BeastMastery.cs:line 192
at CLU.Base.Buff.<>c__DisplayClass52.<CastBuff>b__4f(Object a) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs:line 921
Someone is preparing a new CC with "donate mode for more dps and awesomeness"... :(
you are wrong :) no donator mode for more dps and awesomeness, we haven't any plans atm to go for donations...
They're, fur sure, welcome, but you won't get any features for a donation, we add features there that WE think will be fine.
Weischbier is talking bout a raidonly CC, no support for any botbase other than Tyrael, Raidbot, Lazyraider, CombatBot (but we are only testing with Tyrael)
The CC he talks about does nothing else than a rotation swapping rotation mode by pressing a hotkey ... u can switch between singledps (default mode) and AOE mode, using CDs (default on), disabling CDs, pause the complete rotation (for stuff like calling the army, without switching to desktop to stop the bot) and so on.

But we're still developing core and rotations for this what we call PureRotation, this is the one where current Devs like Weischbier and Wulf are going for, while i try (primary) to tweak CLU for raiding and other botbases.
Which means ... knowledge from Pure is directly going to CLU if someone has the time for that (like Doublecasting ... we think we got a good way now for this, first tests are fine atm and doin well).
This means Pure has no real autodetection for AOE mode (well it has for sure but the user should decide when to switch, not the CC), Pure has only basic checks like CanCast, but no check for isBoss and such ... like CLU, CLU decides (if enabled) byitself when to use CD and so on.

@Warlock Issue with Grimoire of Sacrifice ... i'm not able to tweak / test it today, will try to fix that tomorrow
[CLU] 3.3.7: [Buff] Failed to cast Focus Fire for Focus Fire, Exception thrown:: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at CLU.Classes.Hunter.BeastMastery.<get_SingleRotation>b__2c(Object ret) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Classes\Hunter\BeastMastery.cs:line 192
at CLU.Base.Buff.<>c__DisplayClass52.<CastBuff>b__4f(Object a) in c:\Users\Mitchell\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Routines\CLU\CLU\Base\Buff.cs:line 921

Complete log!!!! it is important to add a complete log, i can't see if u use the most current version, cause i think i fixed it 5 hours ago!But without a log, i'm not able to see if u use my "fix" and it's not working, or if u use the old version!
Suggestion : Warlocks

Currently if you use grimoire of sacrifice and you sac your pet for the buff the profile auto resummons the pet. Can this be adjusted and fixed?

uhm log pls, or more details ;)
Like Spec, in Combat or out of combat!!!
Important thing ;) cause i have to know if it's the common behavior which is wrong, or something specc-specific
Here's a little fix for all the Eles out there (like me).

In Elemental.cs from line 135 (section "Default Rotation") make it look like this:
                  //Default Rotation
                           Spell.CastSpell("Elemental Blast", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(18) && !Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Ascendance"), "Elemental Blast"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Unleash Elements", ret => TalentManager.HasTalent(16) && !Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Ascendance"), "Unleash Elements"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Flame Shock", ret => !Buff.TargetHasDebuff("Flame Shock") || Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Flame Shock").Seconds < 3, "Flame Shock"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Lava Burst", ret => Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Flame Shock").TotalSeconds > 1.25 && (Buff.PlayerHasActiveBuff("Ascendance") || Spell.CanCast("Lava Burst")), "Lava Burst"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Earth Shock", ret => Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Lightning Shield") == 7, "Earth Shock"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Earth Shock", ret => Buff.PlayerCountBuff("Lightning Shield") > 3 && Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Flame Shock").Seconds > 5 && Buff.TargetDebuffTimeLeft("Flame Shock").TotalSeconds < 5 + 2.50, "Earth Shock"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Lightning Bolt", ret => true, "Lightning Bolt"),
                           Spell.CastSpell("Fire Elemental Totem", ret => Unit.UseCooldowns(), "Fire Elemental Totem"),

Like this, Elemental Blast is topmost priority (for the neat little buff it gives), then FS,LaB,ES,LiB.
Here's what I've changed:
* replaced the Macro Spell bla (which didn't cast anything for me, only spammed the log window) with proper Spell code
* moved Elemental Blast to top
* fixed talent19 to talent18

PS: Maybe one should also rearrange "public Composite baseRotation", but I couldn't figure out which one has more relevance, and the way I did it (fixing "Default Rotation" inside "public override Composite SingleRotation" it started to use EB, so I was fine ;) Actually, the Ele should also us EB in a non-single target rotation, as it the buff it gives is vital to doing more damage.

PPS: Shamwow 4907 doesn't use Elemental Blas either, so why bother if you can use CLU... ;)

Ty, gonna try this out :)
how is the protection paladin in raids good? im going prot and holy but sometimes atnight il do protection of the slow que for holy i wil try protection
the paladin prot rotation is awsome but it uses all the time wings how can i instal that it uses wings only when needed?
Can any repair Charge or Warrios arms?? Is bug all time and cant leveling of something...

View attachment 65569
There's no problem with Charge, it's your trinket!!!
Remove the trinket Watermelon Bomb from your toon (move it to your bags), and all should be fine...
We have atm no toon with a trinket where u can place the spell after using the trinket (which has to be done with your trinket) so we can't test it.
We tried already to implement these trinkets, but this hasn't work for our testers, and as long as noone of us owns such a trinket we can't test fixes for this
There's no problem with Charge, it's your trinket!!!
Remove the trinket Watermelon Bomb from your toon (move it to your bags), and all should be fine...
We have atm no toon with a trinket where u can place the spell after using the trinket (which has to be done with your trinket) so we can't test it.
We tried already to implement these trinkets, but this hasn't work for our testers, and as long as noone of us owns such a trinket we can't test fixes for this

Are you sure?? i remove trinket and have same problem, no charge, only heroic throw

View attachment 3252 2012-11-06 19.34.txt
uhm log pls, or more details ;)
Like Spec, in Combat or out of combat!!!
Important thing ;) cause i have to know if it's the common behavior which is wrong, or something specc-specific

Affliction currently did not test other specs, I was testing on a combat dummy. Pre combat. As soon as I clicked start and manually sacrificed it buffed and casted the pet again(acting as if it didn't recognize the sac buff and detected pet missing). Can't submit a log as this is from my phone and servers also down. Let me know if you need specific testing.
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Affliction currently did not test other specs, I was testing on a combat dummy. Pre combat. As soon as I clicked start and manually sacrificed it buffed and casted the pet again(acting as if it didn't recognize the sac buff and detected pet missing). Can't submit a log as this is from my phone and servers also down. Let me know if you need specific testing.
thanks for feedback, i'll take a look into this as soon as possible!!!
the paladin prot rotation is awsome but it uses all the time wings how can i instal that it uses wings only when needed?
disable use cooldowns, this should disable the wings (it also disables Execution Sentence but should be okay, or not?)
disable use cooldowns, this should disable the wings (it also disables Execution Sentence but should be okay, or not?)

ok wil do that but he also doesend seems to use guadian pet on prot pally how do i eneble that i wil turn of cooldowns then it wil only use it when its needed?
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