Id wager we have very similar geared characters, only thing left for me to buy is like a 450+ bow. I am also around the same level.
I have been chancing only Sorcerer Boots all league, yet to have any luck. Maybe I should add Occultists vestments since I usually have extra chances. I have gotten pretty lucky with overall drops though.
I bot/play my character so that's why its so geared. I have another bot I run (vmwared) with barley any investment, just to help currency farm.
Id wager we have very similar geared characters, only thing left for me to buy is like a 450+ bow. I am also around the same level.
I have been chancing only Sorcerer Boots all league, yet to have any luck. Maybe I should add Occultists vestments since I usually have extra chances. I have gotten pretty lucky with overall drops though.
I bot/play my character so that's why its so geared. I have another bot I run (vmwared) with barley any investment, just to help currency farm.