"Description": "Do not Sell",
"Type": 2,
"Filters": [
"Description": "Currency",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"SocketColors": []
"Description": "6 linked items",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [],
"MinLinks": 6
"Description": "Maps and fragments",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"Rarities": []
"Description": "Chests2Resistance",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumLife Value >= 70 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 10",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 10",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 35 Optional Group 12"
"Description": "GlovesResistances",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumLife Value >= 60 Required",
"ExplicitStat AttackSpeedPosPct Value >= 10 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 14"
"Description": "WeaponPhysAttack",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat LocalPhysicalDamagePosPct Value >= 70 Required",
"ExplicitStat LocalAttackSpeedPosPct Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalMinimumAddedPhysicalDamage Optional Group 2"
"Description": "LifeRareAndRes",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumLife Value >= 60 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseItemFoundRarityPosPct Value >= 13 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 10",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 10",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 30 Optional Group 10"
"Description": "TriResRingsAms",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 14"
"Description": "IntShieldRingsAms",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat AdditionalIntelligence Value >= 38 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumEnergyShield Value >= 38 Required"
"Description": "CritRingsAms",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseCriticalStrikeMultiplierPosPct Value >= 30 Required",
"ExplicitStat CriticalStrikeChancePosPct Value >= 30 Required"
"Description": "LifeRareDuoResRingsAms",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumLife Value >= 80 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseItemFoundRarityPosPct Value >= 15 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 15",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 15",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 16",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 16"
"Description": "ManaRareDuoResRingsAms",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumMana Value >= 57 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseItemFoundRarityPosPct Value >= 15 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 11",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 12",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 13",
"ExplicitStat BaseFireDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 14",
"ExplicitStat BaseColdDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 15",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 15",
"ExplicitStat BaseLightningDamageResistancePct Value >= 36 Optional Group 16",
"ExplicitStat BaseChaosDamageResistancePct Value >= 20 Optional Group 16"
"Description": "CastspeedManaReg",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat BaseCastSpeedPosPct Value >= 14 Required",
"ExplicitStat BaseMaximumMana Value >= 14 Required",
"ExplicitStat ManaRegenerationRatePosPct Value >= 30 Required"
"Description": "+3 Gem Filter ",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedGemLevelPos Value >= 1 Required",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedMinionGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedMeleeGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedLightningGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedFireGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedColdGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1",
"ExplicitStat LocalSocketedBowGemLevelPos Value >= 2 Optional Group 1"
"Description": "Gems",
"Enabled": true,
"Names": [
"Portal ",
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Quality Gens",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"MinQuality": 1
"Description": "ChanceWorthyItems",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Imperial Bow",
"Murder Mitts",
"Glorious Plate",
"Occultist's Vestment",
"Hubris Circlet",
"Slaughter Knife",
"Nightmare Bascinet",
"Spine Bow"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"ItemLevelMin": 60,
"Rarities": [
"MinLinks": 3
"Description": "ChanceWorthyFlask",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Large Hybrid Flask",
"Penetrating Arrow Quiver"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Pickup filters",
"Type": 1,
"Filters": [
"Description": "Currency",
"Enabled": true,
"Names": [
"Albino Rhoa Feather",
"Alchemy Shard",
"Alteration Shard",
"Armourer's Scrap",
"Blacksmith's Whetstone",
"Blessed Orb",
"Cartographer's Chisel",
"Chaos Orb",
"Chromatic Orb",
"Divine Orb",
"Eternal Orb",
"Exalted Orb",
"Gemcutter's Prism",
"Glassblower's Bauble",
"Jeweller's Orb",
"Mirror of Kalandra",
"Orb of Alchemy",
"Orb of Alteration",
"Orb of Augmentation",
"Orb of Chance",
"Orb of Fusing",
"Orb of Regret",
"Orb of Scouring",
"Orb of Transmutation",
"Portal Scroll",
"Regal Orb",
"Scroll Fragment",
"Scroll of Wisdom",
"Transmutation Shard",
"Vaal Orb"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "All rares",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Item types for valuable uniques",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Occultist's Vestment",
"Glorious Plate",
"Siege Axe",
"Spine Bow"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Fishing rods",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"Rarities": []
"Description": "Maps",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"Rarities": []
"Description": "Map fragments",
"Enabled": true,
"Names": [
"Mortal Grief",
"Mortal Hope",
"Mortal Ignorance",
"Mortal Rage",
"Sacrifice at Dawn",
"Sacrifice at Dusk",
"Sacrifice at Midnight",
"Sacrifice at Noon"
"Rarities": []
"Description": "Quest and uniques",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "All quality skill gems",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"MinQuality": 1
"Description": "These non-quality skill gems",
"Enabled": true,
"Names": [
"Added Chaos Damage",
"Added Cold Damage",
"Added Fire Damage",
"Added Lightning Damage",
"Additional Accuracy",
"Animate Guardian",
"Animate Weapon",
"Arctic Armour",
"Arctic Breath",
"Ball Lightning",
"Bear Trap",
"Block Chance Reduction",
"Blood Magic",
"Blood Rage",
"Bone Offering",
"Burning Arrow",
"Cast On Critical Strike",
"Cast on Death",
"Cast on Melee Kill",
"Cast when Damage Taken",
"Cast when Stunned",
"Chance to Flee",
"Chance to Ignite",
"Cold Penetration",
"Cold Snap",
"Cold to Fire",
"Concentrated Effect",
"Conversion Trap",
"Critical Weakness",
"Culling Strike",
"Curse On Hit",
"Damage Infusion",
"Decoy Totem",
"Detonate Dead",
"Devouring Totem",
"Dominating Blow",
"Double Strike",
"Dual Strike",
"Elemental Hit",
"Elemental Proliferation",
"Elemental Weakness",
"Endurance Charge on Melee Stun",
"Enduring Cry",
"Ethereal Knives",
"Explosive Arrow",
"Faster Attacks",
"Faster Casting",
"Faster Projectiles",
"Fire Penetration",
"Fire Trap",
"Fire Weapon",
"Flame Totem",
"Flame Whip",
"Flesh Offering",
"Flicker Strike",
"Freeze Mine",
"Freezing Pulse",
"Frost Wall",
"Glacial Cascade",
"Glacial Hammer",
"Greater Multiple Projectiles",
"Ground Slam",
"Heavy Strike",
"Ice Nova",
"Ice Shot",
"Ice Spear",
"Immortal Call",
"Increased Area of Effect",
"Increased Burning Damage",
"Increased Critical Damage",
"Increased Critical Strikes",
"Increased Duration",
"Infernal Blow",
"Infernal Swarm",
"Iron Grip",
"Iron Will",
"Item Quantity",
"Item Rarity",
"Leap Slam",
"Lesser Multiple Projectiles",
"Life Gain on Hit",
"Life Leech",
"Lightning Arrow",
"Lightning Penetration",
"Lightning Strike",
"Lightning Trap",
"Lightning Warp",
"Mana Leech",
"Melee Damage on Full Life",
"Melee Physical Damage",
"Melee Splash",
"Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance",
"Minion Damage",
"Minion Life",
"Minion Speed",
"Molten Shell",
"Multiple Traps",
"Phase Run",
"Physical Projectile Attack Damage",
"Point Blank",
"Poison Arrow",
"Power Charge On Critical",
"Power Siphon",
"Projectile Weakness",
"Purity of Elements",
"Purity of Fire",
"Purity of Ice",
"Purity of Lightning",
"Rain of Arrows",
"Raise Spectre",
"Raise Zombie",
"Ranged Attack Totem",
"Reduced Duration",
"Reduced Mana",
"Rejuvenation Totem",
"Remote Mine",
"Return Projectiles",
"Righteous Fire",
"Searing Bond",
"Shield Charge",
"Shock Nova",
"Shockwave Totem",
"Slower Projectiles",
"Smoke Mine",
"Spectral Throw",
"Spell Totem",
"Split Arrow",
"Split Projectiles",
"Storm Call",
"Summon Raging Spirit",
"Summon Skeletons",
"Tempest Shield",
"Temporal Chains",
"Vaal Arc",
"Vaal Burning Arrow",
"Vaal Cold Snap",
"Vaal Cyclone",
"Vaal Detonate Dead",
"Vaal Double Strike",
"Vaal Fireball",
"Vaal Glacial Hammer",
"Vaal Ground Slam",
"Vaal Heavy Strike",
"Vaal Ice Nova",
"Vaal Immortal Call",
"Vaal Lightning Strike",
"Vaal Lightning Warp",
"Vaal Molten Shell",
"Vaal Power Siphon",
"Vaal Rain of Arrows",
"Vaal Spark",
"Vaal Spectral Throw",
"Vaal Storm Call",
"Vaal Summon Skeletons",
"Viper Strike",
"Vortex Mine",
"Warlord's Mark",
"Weapon Elemental Damage",
"Whirling Blades",
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"MaxQuality": 0
"Description": "Items worth a Chromatic Orb",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [],
"SocketColors": [
"Description": "5 and 6-linked items",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [],
"MinLinks": 5
"Description": "6-socket items",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [],
"MinSockets": 6
"Description": "Rare accessories",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Items worth an Armourer's Scrap, Blacksmith Whetstone, or Glassblower's Bauble.",
"Enabled": false,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"MinQuality": 20,
"MaxQuality": 20
"Description": "Any quality flask",
"Enabled": false,
"Types": [
"Rarities": [],
"MinQuality": 1
"Description": "Utility flasks.",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Amethyst Flask",
"Diamond Flask",
"Granite Flask",
"Jade Flask",
"Quartz Flask",
"Quicksilver Flask",
"Ruby Flask",
"Sapphire Flask",
"Topaz Flask"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": []
"Description": "All 2x2 4 linked objects.",
"Enabled": false,
"Rarities": [],
"MinLinks": 4,
"MaxWidth": 2,
"MaxHeight": 2
"Description": "All magic items",
"Enabled": false,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Perfect White Coral Rings",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Coral Ring"
"Rarities": [
"Affixes": [
"ImplicitStat BaseMaximumLife Value == 30"
"Description": "ChanceworthyItems",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Imperial Bow",
"Murder Mitts",
"Glorious Plate",
"Occultist's Vestment",
"Hubris Circlet",
"Slaughter Knife",
"Nightmare Bascinet",
"Spine Bow"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"ItemLevelMin": 60,
"Rarities": [
"MinLinks": 3
"Description": "ChanceWorthyFlaskandQuiver",
"Enabled": false,
"Names": [
"Large Hybrid Flask"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Id filters",
"Type": 5,
"Filters": [
"Description": "Id all magic items.",
"Enabled": false,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Id all rares",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Uniques",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "Maps",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"Rarities": [
"Description": "All Ams/Rings",
"Enabled": true,
"Types": [
"Rarities": []
"Description": "Vendor filters",
"Type": 3,
"Filters": [
"Description": "Unvaluable chromatic items",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"MaxSockets": 5,
"MaxLinks": 4,
"SocketColors": [
"Description": "All identified Items",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "All identified rares except accessories.",
"Enabled": false,
"Types": [
"TypeMatchAnyRatherThanAll": false,
"Rarities": [
"HasToBeIdentified": true
"Description": "All identified magics.",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"Description": "New Filter",
"Enabled": true,
"Rarities": [
"MaxSockets": 6,
"MaxLinks": 4
"Description": "UselessUniques",
"Enabled": true,
"Names": [
"Cloth Belt",
"Simple Robe",
"Gold Amulet",
"Crystal Sceptre",
"Vine Circlet",
"Long Bow",
"Gnarled Branch",
"Sage's Robe",
"Prophet Crown",
"Studded Belt",
"Strapped Boots",
"War Hammer",
"Latticed Ringmail",
"Spidersilk Robe",
"Greater Mana Flask",
"Steel Gauntlets",
"Iron Hat",
"Great Helmet",
"Ironscale Gauntlets",
"Chain Gloves",
"Mind Cage",
"Scholar's Robe",
"Vaal Buckler",
"Golden Buckler",
"Iron Circlet",
"Brass Spirit Shield",
"Visored Sallet",
"Iron Mask",
"Festival Mask",
"Soldier Helmet",
"Shadow Axe",
"Conjurer Boots",
"Nubuck Boots",
"Legion Boots",
"Clasped Boots",
"Steelscale Gauntlets",
"Strapped Mitts",
"Wool Gloves",
"Desert Brigandine",
"Leather Cap",
"Wrapped Mitts",
"Coral Amulet",
"Holy Chainmail",
"Ursine Pelt",
"Buckskin Tunic",
"Soldier Helmet",
"Dread Maul",
"Titanium Spirit Shield",
"War Buckler",
"Spidersilk Robe",
"Leather Hood",
"Iron Gauntlets",
"Goathide Gloves",
"Timeworn Claw",
"Strapped Leather",
"Crusader Chainmail",
"Plank Kite Shield",
"Jade Hatchet",
"Jade Amulet",
"Ornate Sword",
"Heavy Belt",
"Basket Rapier",
"Great Mallet",
"Necromancer Circlet",
"Plate Vest",
"Infernal Axe",
"Silken Hood",
"Samite Helmet",
"Gilded Sallet",
"Leather Belt",
"Velvet Gloves",
"Sharktooth Arrow Quiver",
"Great Crown",
"Driftwood Wand",
"Wild Leather",
"Dusk Blade",
"Bastard Sword",
"Onyx Amulet",
"Rusted Sword",
"Tiger Sword",
"Silk Gloves",
"Secutor Helm",
"Aventail Helmet",
"Fire Arrow Quiver",
"Pinnacle Tower Shield",
"Ebony Tower Shield",
"Two-Point Arrow Quiver",
"Bronzescale Gauntlets",
"Scholar Boots",
"Brass Maul",
"War Hammer",
"Baroque Round Shield",
"Supreme Spiked Shield",
"Quartz Flask",
"Short Bow",
"Crude Bow",
"Flaying Knife",
"Zodiac Leather",
"Death Bow",
"Maraketh Bow",
"Sage's Robe",
"Headsman Axe",
"Long Staff",
"Spiked Maul",
"Twilight Blade",
"Boot Knife",
"Serrated Arrow Quiver",
"Painted Buckler",
"Tarnished Spirit Shield",
"Reinforced Tower Shield",
"Goathide Boots",
"Branded Kite Shield",
"Rotted Round Shield",
"Legion Sword",
"Bronzescale Boots",
"Royal Bow",
"Leatherscale Boots",
"Velvet Slippers",
"Deerskin Boots",
"Silk Slippers",
"Mesh Boots",
"Wool Shoes",
"Stealth Boots",
"Pine Buckler",
"Decimation Bow",
"Death Bow",
"Highland Blade"
"NameMatchAnyRatherThanAll": true,
"Rarities": [
"MaxLinks": 4
"Description": "Purchase filters (not implemented)",
"Type": 4,
"Filters": []
"Description": "New Category",
"Type": 0,
"Filters": []