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Chance some items


Jul 12, 2014
Is there a way to chance specific items automatically and sell them, when they are not Unique? ^^
(Picking up the white item and selling them should be easy with the Item Filter)
Have like 500 chances on stock right now and actually do not want to sell them :D
I don't think it would be too hard to do, just not sure how you would impliment it into the Basicgrindbot. It would have to be a plugin I'm sure, and I think it would be similar on how the bot interacts with iding but instead of a scroll, use chance orbs ? I could be wrong. I will look into this a little later
I would do it as a task, so it can be timed just before selling. That way your item vendor filters will determine what to do with the items afterwards (sell the bad rares etc) so they don't full all your stash space

if (!TaskManager.AddBefore(new ChanceOrbsTask(), "SellTask"))
Log.ErrorFormat("[EquipBetterGear] Add ChanceOrbsTask Before SellTask failed.");

then make a 'ChanceOrbsTask' with something like this

var items =
LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.Main.OrderBy(i => i.LocationTopLeft.X)
.ThenBy(i => i.LocationTopLeft.Y)

foreach (var item in items)
if ( ((item.FullName == "Gavel") || (item.FullName == "Siege Axe")) && (item.Rarity == Rarity.Normal) )
await Coroutines.OpenInventoryPanel();
var ErrorUseChanceOrb = LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.UseItemOnItemInMainInventory("Orb of Chance", item);
if (ErrorUseChanceOrb != Loki.Game.LokiPoe.InGameState.UseItemError.None)
Log.ErrorFormat("[ChanceOrbTask] Use Chance Orb returned => {0}.", ErrorUseChanceOrb);

this would only work if chance orbs are in your inventory, otherwise look at using this instead: LokiPoe.InGameState.StashPanel.UseItemOnItemInMainInventory(string, Loki.Game.Objects.Item)

best of luck!

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I would do it as a task, so it can be timed just before selling. That way your item vendor filters will determine what to do with the items afterwards (sell the bad rares etc) so they don't full all your stash space

if (!TaskManager.AddBefore(new ChanceOrbsTask(), "SellTask"))
Log.ErrorFormat("[EquipBetterGear] Add ChanceOrbsTask Before SellTask failed.");

then make a 'ChanceOrbsTask' with something like this

var items =
LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.Main.OrderBy(i => i.LocationTopLeft.X)
.ThenBy(i => i.LocationTopLeft.Y)

foreach (var item in items)
if ( ((item.FullName == "Gavel") || (item.FullName == "Siege Axe")) && (item.Rarity == Rarity.Normal) )
await Coroutines.OpenInventoryPanel();
var ErrorUseChanceOrb = LokiPoe.InGameState.InventoryPanel.UseItemOnItemInMainInventory("Orb of Chance", item);
if (ErrorUseChanceOrb != Loki.Game.LokiPoe.InGameState.UseItemError.None)
Log.ErrorFormat("[ChanceOrbTask] Use Chance Orb returned => {0}.", ErrorUseChanceOrb);

this would only work if chance orbs are in your inventory, otherwise look at using this instead: LokiPoe.InGameState.StashPanel.UseItemOnItemInMainInventory(string, Loki.Game.Objects.Item)

best of luck!
If you look at pushedx's Chaos Recipe plugin, there is a chance item built in there.
If you look at pushedx's Chaos Recipe plugin, there is a chance item built in there.

Little confused on the chaos recipe though or maybe I've just missed the boat on this one. Does it keep track of what you have in your stash and when you have enough pieces, sell to vendor ? and does it do it AFTER a map run / zone run ?
just letting you guys know this project has started, ran into some issues which I should find a solution to soon.
Guess it would have to be like the MapUpgrade stuff in exVault(?)s maprunner stuff.

Stolen obviously :p
//do upgrade/reroll, if needed
            if (map.Rarity == Rarity.Normal && MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo != "None")
                string orb = MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Magic"
                    ? "Orb of Transmutation"
                    : "Orb of Alchemy";
                map = StashHelper.UseOrbOnMap(map, orb);
                if (MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Magic")
                    map = StashHelper.RerollMagicMap(map);
                if (MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Rare")
                    if (StashHelper.HasBannedAffixes(map)) return true;

Guess it would have to be like the MapUpgrade stuff in exVault(?)s maprunner stuff.

Stolen obviously :p
//do upgrade/reroll, if needed
            if (map.Rarity == Rarity.Normal && MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo != "None")
                string orb = MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Magic"
                    ? "Orb of Transmutation"
                    : "Orb of Alchemy";
                map = StashHelper.UseOrbOnMap(map, orb);
                if (MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Magic")
                    map = StashHelper.RerollMagicMap(map);
                if (MapRunnerSettings.Instance.UpgradeTo == "Rare")
                    if (StashHelper.HasBannedAffixes(map)) return true;

Yeah, I guess that could work lol but you'd have to compile that I guess correct ?
hmm, is it possible to enable and disable Itemfilters with a plugin?
Because then you could do like:
If nuff (>10) ChanceOrbs then enable ItemFilter DoNotSell:ChanceworthyItems & Pickup:ChanceworthyItems
Otherwise the Stash would be full in quite little time.