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Is it possible to not porspect white and black trilium at all? It is more porfitable on my server to convert them to trilium bars and sell rather the porspect it. Maybe another option: Prospect W/B Trillium Ore YES/NO ?
Celisuis I am not sure what you are doing the last working revision for me was 48 since then everything is not working, all the latests fixes result with: Cannot load profile!
The 'SubRoutine' start tag on line 1339 position 3 does not match the end tag of 'Professionbuddy'. Line 2120, position 3. or something similar. Does it work for you ? Did you test it ?
Profile is working now. Ench/JC is fine craftin Sha crystals and doing everything as it should.
Scribe is still starting before Alchemist and miling all the herbs, I did not wait till he goes through everything just stoped him so will have still something to test on. Would you like to hava alook and put alchemist first in a que with flasks and potions before Scribe will get his hands on milling ?
Ok. Alchemist is 1st now. Transmuted Living steel, transmuted uncommons to rares, transmuted primal diamonds but did not do the flasks (I did not have any crystal vials in my bags) and started running between bank and bank door step (like a loop thing) so scribe did not kick in at all. Just double checked and I have mill herbs on YES ;-)