View attachment 183836
Have compiling issues when I load honorbuddy:
Also, I am in the Hinterlands and it is just riding around in a circle with this.
Goal: InteractWith-v2059: "Razorbeak Friends" (
Interacting by using Gryphon Chow on MobId(2654)
[Ref: "[A-Quest](30-31) The Hinterlands [Cava] $Rev: 365 $" @line 264]
It wont target the Gryphons and feed them it just continues riding around.
Compiler Error: c:\Users\ ...
Compiler Error: c:\Users\J\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Quest Behaviors\Cava\27817-AllyTwilightHighlands-DroppingTheHammer.cs(163,75) : error CS1750: A value of type '<null>' cannot be used as a default parameter because there are no standard conversions to type 'ProvideBoolDelegate'