I've been using some other space bots for some time. As long as you're not using it 24-7, they seem to ignore it (since they removed the credit rewards).
Hi Woneone,
As someone who used to program Lucky's and has been following SWToR ban wave trends for over a year, I can tell you that it's not really a matter of if, but
when. Reports of space botting bans have continued, albeit at a lesser rate, since the credit change. Bioware collects information for weeks or months before most bans, so the user can never quite be sure of the exact cause, which is intentional. Thankfully, they don't seem to ban very often anymore (limited security budget perhaps?), but space botting is as close to a guaranteed ban as any other behavior in the game. Even users who purport to bot only one to two hours per day seem to get hit eventually.
There are any number of ways Bioware security might use to detect space botters, including time played on space missions, but one detection method is pretty much unavoidable. Microsoft, in their infinite wisdom, added a flag setting in the Windows global mouse hook, MSLLHOOKSTRUCT. This flag, LLMHF_INJECTED, can tell anyone who knows how to check whether a mouse click is real or injected (fake). Short of perhaps reprogramming a system file at the machine code level, there is no way to fool it. AutoIt is always detected. So is MG (I had to subscribe and run a few tests to find this out) and every other automated or macro program I've tried. BW, thankfully, never actually seems to simulate mouse clicks or key strokes (I tested it as well), so this is probably why our bot has been so successful.
Anyway, I hope you're able to avoid the ban party when it comes.
Good luck!