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Buddy Team and Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Buddy Wing: The Old Robot

I don't care much for the name. In conversation it'll be abbreviated to Buddy Wing, and what does that mean? I'd much prefer WingBuddy, which would be closer to a variation of wingman in english, meaning a pilot who assists another in combat.
Hey guys, Im kinda of curious on what you are using for professions. I am a Sith Inquisitor using Synthweaving, Archaeology, and Slicing. I really only like the slicing because of the profits and I have it maxed. The other 2 I feel are kinda lame but maybe I dont know their true potential or maybe I just like the easy money. :-) Im thinking about dropping Arch and Synth for something else. What are you guys doing with the professions? Yes its a Friday night and I'm playing SWTOR and reading the HB forums, there is nothing wrong with that!! Chicks and work have been getting on my nerves lately so I turn to you my fellow HB members to hang with tonight. LOL
Just a quick question, is the development on time so we will have a realase on the first or will it be delayed?
Well, the note attached to the initial post stating Feb. 1 also mentioned betas, but I haven't seen any. I conclude, that it'll be delayed a bit. Regardless, I can't wait to buy it.
@nomorchaos, slicing post nerf results in very very little money to be made, though dailies at level 50 you get 250kish a day min. The best profession is Biochem w/ Bioanalysis and Diplomacy for the mats, the 3 rakata items from Biochem are super OP and better than any other items from profs by far.
@nomorchaos, slicing post nerf results in very very little money to be made, though dailies at level 50 you get 250kish a day min. The best profession is Biochem w/ Bioanalysis and Diplomacy for the mats, the 3 rakata items from Biochem are super OP and better than any other items from profs by far.

- Didn't Bioware nerf Biochem Rakata items also? BTW, to make Rakata items, you need to farm Flashpoints (Dungeons) for BoP mats

- Slicing is crap now. You are just gambling for Rare/Epic Mission Discoveries.

- I exploited Early Game Access and Pre-nerf Slicing, then funnel credits into whatever trade skill is profitable on that server

- I didn't use any other exploit or bot.

- For your info, I have plenty of Alts but none of them are Level 50.
Well i logged in to play last night. i killed like 5 mobs and was bored. im really hoping lvl 50 content will keep my interest. cant wait for the bot so i can skip the grind.
Well i logged in to play last night. i killed like 5 mobs and was bored. im really hoping lvl 50 content will keep my interest. cant wait for the bot so i can skip the grind.
practically there is no lvl50 content atm lol
SO I have been lurking for a while after all my WOW accounts got banned except 1 and I lost inetrest and I have been waiting patiently for this. If it releases with plugin abilities and a user callable api I will be def doing some addons as time allows ( I am in the middle of a launch of a new WMS I designed for my company so time is a lil tight) anyways just wanted to let you guys know I am exited and can't wait.
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