Love your Routine. However even though the selections are checked it is not using Bestial Wrath, Lynx Rush, will occasionally use Dire beast on cooldown, and will not use synapse springs ?
Any Ideas? I used the latest SVN about 30 minutes ago
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Yeah, I can give that a shot. I guess I could just disable casting on pet, and leave it to cast on focus. The way I have my macros set up they require a focus (I run a lot of dungeons and I generally set the tank as my focus to stay on the right target, etc), so when I'm doing something solo I set my pet as my focus.It only casts misdirect on your pet if you have aggro. Now if you are using cast it on focus as well and your pet is your focus it'll probably spam it all the time. Disable cast on focus if you're casting it in your pet. But yeah I can make it check that if your focus is your pet it wont spam it I guess. Also I sneakily added a small update in the SVN like yesterday.
I recommend using Fervor instead of Dire Beast now, pulling better DPS that way and I improved how Fervor is used a lot.
Yeah, I can give that a shot. I guess I could just disable casting on pet, and leave it to cast on focus. The way I have my macros set up they require a focus (I run a lot of dungeons and I generally set the tank as my focus to stay on the right target, etc), so when I'm doing something solo I set my pet as my focus.
I'd like to ask you a question also. For trinkets, and big CDs like Stampede, Rapid Fire, Readiness, and the others, are they written to fire on 90+ bosses? I ask because I never see them fire off in dungeons against bosses. The trinket issue I'm guessing is that it doesn't support all "On Use" trinkets. Probably just the epics? It's ok though, because I usually use them by hand anyway, but would like to get clarification on when those types of things are supposed to be used.
All in all, the CC's working really well. It's fast and gets the job done right. +rep