Truly awesome
I am curious is it possible to PvP with this now? I have mostly done PvE with my pets aside from all the trainers etc.. but is it a goal to try and make these good enough for that?
Well, the days of spamming the 1 key are definitely over, but to make them truly awesome in PvP a few more steps have to be taken. They won't behave stupid anymore, but they also don't use synergies and those are important. Just give it a bit time.I was really fast with the first iteration, but I do need to make a proper plan for the next step.
Yea I get what your saying. Also another question. I favor VoTFW for my Ringerx2 even if there are some better places out there. I like the wide open space and little competition, and on a PvP server that is a good thing for Pet Battling.
Question is some pets have abilities strong against different breeds, but don't have a cooldown. Example Fledgling Nether Ray and Nether Ray Fry are absolutely amazing in VoTFW because they can have 2 no cooldown abilities that perform very well against 2 different breeds that are common in VoTFW (Bite and Slicing Winds)
Are there any possibility of those guys using one or the other depending on aquatic or critter enemy breed?
Studio; I love the newer tactics you're adding! Do you or Prostak have any plans for external tactic configurations (or internal for that matter)? when it worked the tactics config in PokeBot was awesome.
Hey Guys,
just to get you updated on the whole tactics business:
I am currently updating all pets, abilities and auras (buffs/debuffs) to be based on game IDs instead of names. When this is done and merged into Prosto_Pets, my tactics will work regardless of the language you play World of Warcraft in. In this process I already eliminated a dozen bugs I probably never would have found. Damn those typos late at night... it is called "Sandstorm" not "Standstorm"...
How can i get this?
@Studio - How much better are these custom pet tactics?
Much... since Prostaks original setup mainly just mashed the 1 button....