Would it be an issue modifying the 30 fps to 60?
Would it be an issue modifying the 30 fps to 60?
Is there going to be any purpose to LazyRaider anymore, or can we replace it entirely with this?
This is intensive on your pc resources, do lazy raider I suppose can be for slower pc's. Correct me if I'm wrong!
^ this.
Raidbot shits on my laptop or my slower desktops. I can only run it smoothly on my most powerful computer (i7 950, dual radeon HDs, 12 gigs of ram and ssd).
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Dissable all your "Wow" addons. Don't know which one (Altoholic, Auctioneer, Titan Panel, etc.), but one of them was giving me crazy cpu/fps usage. After disableing them, now on a five year old middle of the range (non gaming spec) pc I get a mild decrease in fps (When running one instance of wow & hb) and cpu usage is acceptable.lol really? im getting 10fps with lazyraider in lfr i dont wanna imagine raidbot xd
This is made for raiding so you should have to inititate combat also the cc should have zero movement
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. For healing CCs, you should not have to initiate combat. Your CC should heal people when they are down regardless of your combat status! What if you just stand there and watch your tank get clobbered b/c you haven't initiated combat yet? Is that what a bot made for raiding should do?