Okay Tony, I'm trying FPSWare Mage just for you. I'll post a log file in like 4 hours when I get home and it's done.
singular does not have the best mage profiles and it's blinking/frost nova mechanic has gotten me killed alot... Me personally I just use amplify and disable the blink behavior and that mage is arcane.
edit: just went through your log and on Singulars main page is says Arcane is coded blue and blue= not yet implamented... I know he was working on it awhile back for Singular v2 but I could never get it to stack AB debuffs right.
Have you re svn'd lately to singulars newest svn?
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Now that I think of it, I don't think I have. But I thought Singular updates with Honorbuddy seeing as it Singular comes with Honorbuddy...
the Singular version that comes with the Hb pack is version 1
from next release Hb will include version 2
but in any case the most updated version it will always be available on svn
Okay well anyways, I tried Amplify last night and it sucked dick. Totally messed up a lot and I died quite a few times. I think I'll just try to stick with FPSWare. Here's my Amplify Log: View attachment 31017
change your spec to frost and turn off spell steal, and you wont have problems. next time something "Sucks dick" and your talking about someones hard work.
Oh I'm sorry man. I really didn't mean it that way. I just meant the session sucked, and the CC just wasn't working for me. For other people it works great, just not me. And plus I'm still running a few tests. Who knows, maybe Amplify will be the best for me and I just did something wrong.
its ok kilik865
let us know if you have problems again
if you are ok with fpsware's CC you can stick with it
I will, and I also plan on reporting my up-coming tests as intentions to give programmers feedback on some errors with their CCs that they could fix unless you or any others feel that is unnecessary.
I've been having the same issues for quite some time but i haven't really cared much about it, it usually happens when there is 2 mobs, (one fleeing and aggroing another(i think)).
Using fpsware cc's for druid, warrior and hunter.
Also tried combathelper but doesn't help.
Also noticed that my characters sometimes get in combat with no mob nearby(probably a bugged one), any solution for that?