Actually, it's fun. Not for me, cause I'm sorta burned out on this thing, but in a healthy quantities - it is fun.
I've created a post on tactics under the main one. Not sure if I've not missed something, but can edit if something is not clear.
In short: Rules are checked from top to bottom, one by one. And the one that is allowed to fire - fires. Next move begins from the top again.
And you can post here your attempt and describe what you are trying to achieve. We'll make it work.
Definitely agree with the burnout. I still have some 300 profiles from Pokeh i can convert, but it's tedious converting the petid to the names. somewhat easier to run through a checklist than to create an access db and match the petid key values to names. records for readability.
On reading the source, i also looked through the existing tactics , and found some blank entries, i will need a crib sheet to remember what buffleft/debuff /famEnemy and so on are,, but i can fix those in my spare time.
i do think there's scope for a hpInt and hpenemyInt for attacks that only work when they're higher numerically and not percentage based comparisons. easy enough to store as int values. from 0 to 4k, but you might have to check for nulls. this is mostly due to health being more problematic at low level, where a percentage is deceptive.
Not sure how shouldihide works quite yet, didn't find a good example of it.
As for a dictionary/comparison to allow german/ru/cn usage, there's 3 more immediate problems with strings vs numbers.
1. pet ID's are easy to grab a list from (there's an xls sheet of them all), 2, there's the problem of ability codes (which can be grabbed off wowhead easily enough without going in game) and 3, the debuff/aura sometimes has a unique value ingame thats not connected to the spell id, that wowhead would show up on the ability. e.g. stunned, has about 3-4 different abilities that stun, but use different numbers. usually though, wowhead shows the right value.
and from what i've seen, there's a ton of string comparisons. hundreds. some of this is good, it makes things much easier to read. the one puzzle i couldn't find an answer for is, do you set the pet layouts or store them ? is it just 1,2,4 ?
i'll see if i can update some of the existing ones before adding in older pets. just need to find a good family/pet checklist or priority to revise.