I seem to have it working fairly well... at least for me.
- It mounts going to and fro
- It only mounts after harvesting / looting mobs
- It immediately mounts after harvesting nodes
The stuff that is still a pain in the balls that I'm too tired to work on or I simply can't:
- After looting a mob indoor, it will try to mount once, then goes on about its merry business. It might try to randomly mount when the bot pulses indoor, but it doesn't hinder it much. Which leads me to
- After coming out from inside, it make take it a few seconds to mount back up.
- Thought pathing was wonky before? Wait until your footprint is just slightly larger because you're on a mount.
The first 2 are because I have no idea how BW manages indoor/outdoor changes, and since it doesn't seem to do mounting, checking if that is usable might be out.
For anyone daring enough to test this out, you need to find this line:
private static string MountName = "Longspur STAP";
... And change "Longspur STAP" to the name of your mount... or if you happen to have one, go you. Bear in mind, a programmer I am not. Mainly I just hope this gives someone who CAN program some ideas... and a few laughs while looking at my trial and error hackery.