I saw a person fishing in Margoss' retreat today that was clearly using this bot so I wanted to offer up a quick bit of advice.
I've noticed that if one switches specs or weapons, the FishingBuddy bot config will maintain the old weapon. As a result, when combat is engaged (like when the water elemental is summoned at the retreat) the bot will attempt to equip the wrong weapon, be unable to, and end up just standing there. When battle is finished (or the toon is dead) the bot will continue fishing as though nothing happened. With the artifact weapons being spec specific, it is important to make sure the appropriate weapon is selected in the config. (By item ID, which can be found on WoWDB or using HB Dev tools) Perhaps there's a different way to change that, but this is what has worked for me.
Thus, when afk fishing at Margoss' retreat, one's toon will attack the elemental and not stand around looking like a bot. Sadly there isn't a way to /w someone without compromising my own security.
Anyway, I hope that helps.