My friend joined wow with me and never used any bots has cancelled her subscription today because she only wants to play a game that we can play together. I feel quite guilty seen as she has paid for wow and played legit :-(
Same here. My sister who just started playing WoW at the end of MoP cancelled her sub yesterday. She only played with me. I feel terrible, but she always knew I was doing something "forbidden", so whatever. She's happy to try out ESO now, lol.
Overall I feel like Blizzard is going to lose some non-botters on top of the banwave,
because of the results of the banwave. Which is hilarious. Thumbs up.
A few raiders of one of my guilds (non-botters) already announced to quit, because our raidleader and 2 healers were banned. They told me the game "isn't worth the long search for good raiders to replace them anymore".
The thing is, this banwave happened at the
worst time ever. The game is in a terrible state, people are leaving like crazy since January. Hardly anyone is enjoying the game anymore. Banned botters won't come back unless the bot is back, and I even believe that lots of us will never return, not even with HB back up, because let's be honest.. WoW is no more unless you still are terribly addicted. But those are becoming less and less.
And there will be close to zero people coming back because they heard "the bad boys are gone". It's too late. No one who already quit the game cares for that anymore. The game today has
way bigger problems than botters. Imagine this banwave 3 or 4 years earlier - that would have been a time where people still cared, where people still enjoyed the game and would have returned if they heard the botters were gone. That would have been a time where I would have created a new account and would probably have considered to play manually. But today? Jesus Christ Blizzard, you have like one Million problems with WoW, especially since the latest expansion - but botters definitely ain't one. And nothing, literally
nothing will get better now that the botters are gone. It might get even worse.
I'm very excited to see how this is going to evolve throughout the next weeks and months. But I'm very sure it's not going to end somewhere good.
Pretty sure the next big thing we will see in WoW is the game going free to play. Which would basically be the biggest admission of WoW steering to a slow and painful end.