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Blizzard fails to hurt bots


May 28, 2013
i have seen a lot of Dumb post about blizzard winning.

if you get banned what the hell did you really lose? everything you had mounts, toys, pets, and heirlooms are all saved to your battle net.

1) you cant use the exact same name ( use alt code )
2) you have to level again ( 2-3 days botting )
3) Gear will be needed ( 1-2 week of LFR bonus bags will get you 705+ item level and 200k gold )
4) start wow $5-$10 new battle chest

i do not see why anyone cares about getting banned.

i do not sell gold, i use it to buy mounts pets toys and junk . when i lose an account it cost me $5 to replace it .i bought 20 Keys at Christmas 2011 .$5 each still have not used them all because older ones come off ban.

am i missing something ? what do you lose ?
What you say is accurate. What sucks most I personally think is when you have an account you have gotten halfway geared, and then you have to repeat it all. Like you said, couple weeks of farming. But thats quite a lot of downtime to tell your guild/friends, "Hey, I can't raid for the next 2 weeks, I... uh.... need a break?"
Yea I agree with the post above.

+What is the point of playing/boting if you can't make any progress, just getting banned every month or so will never get anywhere.
What sucks most I personally think is when you have an account you have gotten halfway geared, and then you have to repeat it all. Like you said, couple weeks of farming. But thats quite a lot of downtime to tell your guild/friends, "Hey, I can't raid for the next 2 weeks, I... uh.... need a break?"

would you have gained all the levels and items you have if you didnt bot. maybe
would you of been able to do it in the few weeks it takes to rebuild . Never

Yea I agree with the post above.

+What is the point of playing/boting if you can't make any progress, just getting banned every month or so will never get anywhere.

well if you leveled your account and stopped botting you wouldn't get banned. if you cant raid without the bot to help. youll get caught and you wouldnt have the gear in the first place. everything else you get from the bot you keep or can get back fast ( gold mats junk)

progress you gained levels and gained items. your friends are still your friends. they think your on a ALt unless you tell them .

what did you lose Time... what do you gain from the bot a lot of time..
I can guarantee you that the HB team has lost over half it's user base in the last 2 years. probably closer to 75%. The best part is is that the HB team will never come here and admit it, so there's no way for them to prove me wrong.

You may come back and say that the HB team hasn't really lost anything since they already have our money from keys. What about all the lost revenue from the store, which is probably their big money maker right now.

The HB team runs like printer companies do these days. They don't make money off their printers, they make money off their ink. You lose the income from the buddy store, you hurt your business in very real ways.

You lose a large chunk of your income, you lose developers (both current and future ones), you lose your user base and you lose the income to fight a multi-billion dollar company in the courts.

What Blizz has done is caused HB to stop evolving. Look at the number of new botbases created by the core HB team in the last 2 years. A grand total of zero. Look at the status and evolution of BG's. It's been completely stale. Look at the way they handle banwaves. Every time a new one rolls out, they come on these forums and admit that they have no idea how the banwave occurred.

Look what happens when the buddy team releases a new a product for a new Blizz IP. They have a major banwave within 3 days of the bot going live and has caused the software to be down ever since.

If you think Blizz isn't hurting bots, you're straight up delusional.
Look what happens when the buddy team releases a new a product for a new Blizz IP. They have a major banwave within 3 days of the bot going live and has caused the software to be down ever since.

Overwatch is the only bot from the blizzard IP that got users banned in the first week. Ive used Hearthbuddy and Stormbuddy during beta into release and there after.
I agree HB has likely lost alot of users due to bans or loosing interest in the game but talking out of your arse just adds to the fire.
There is also the possibility of repeatedly losing your accounts before you can sell any gold from them, usually connected to having your hardware or other identification blacklisted. Ban section is full of these stories: "After being banned, all my new accounts get banned within a couple of hours". There is mixed success in dealing with these and it heavily depends on diligence of Blizzard's GMs/account investigators, if they have it in for you, your profits ARE going to bleed. Couple that with historically low gold price likely caused by Blizzard being unable to hold the player's interest (they are no longer releasing number of subs as to not embarrass themselves) and that's how botting gets hurt.
unless you use the bot for arena pvp. which means you will lose all of your progress (conquest points and ranking) for the season.
Well, if you are worried about getting Banned/Suspended dont bot your main account, instead get a few alt accounts run your bots on them, if your after Gold just make your main account the GM of a guild and funnel the gold through that gbank, never keep too much gold on your bot accounts that if they get Banned/Suspended you lose it. With the gold you make get game time so that you do not have to pay a subscription fee. Do not go after rare things on your bot account like mounts, unless you can sale them.
To gear up your characters it is best and fastest to use a healer and run a profile like Satchel Gold Farm
Run Professions that can make the max amount of gold Herb/Mining, run them in areas that can give you extra stuff like Felblight in Tannan, but do not run a herb/miner in one area for too long where you can get reported. Do not ninja nodes!
To make gold Raw gold is always best; Run that Cata Raids Raid Studio / Cataclysm Bundle, you can make around 10K gold per week/ per toon through that. so 1 account with 11 toons is around 110k gold a week and only takes about 3 hrs for a bot to complete if it has 700+ ilvl
Plus you have extra Garrison Missions that you can do daily making around 1k per day/toon = to around 77k gold with 11 characters.

If you use your bots smart you can get gold cap every month, and then afford to buy a Mythic HFC run or full CM gold Challenges. and even buy your main some rare mounts off the AH or Black Market AH.
I think i9t comes from that a good chunck of people use there main accounts to bot and that time and that can sting.
Wait holy shit what? Pretend I'm super dumb for a second.

So if my main account on my b.net is banned, I can just add another one to that? This new account would have 0 characters, but still have all of my heirlooms, mounts, achievements, pets, etc?
Wait holy shit what? Pretend I'm super dumb for a second.

So if my main account on my b.net is banned, I can just add another one to that? This new account would have 0 characters, but still have all of my heirlooms, mounts, achievements, pets, etc?

Exactly. Those things are all account wide and they don't remove them. Now my question is this: can you move a suspended wow license off of a bnet account?
You can't delete or remove banned or suspended accounts which is why there is a limit of 8 licenses per Battle.net
Wait holy shit what? Pretend I'm super dumb for a second.

So if my main account on my b.net is banned, I can just add another one to that? This new account would have 0 characters, but still have all of my heirlooms, mounts, achievements, pets, etc?

You can't delete or remove banned or suspended accounts which is why there is a limit of 8 licenses per Battle.net

OMG if you have 3, 4 ,or 5 banned accounts on 1 battle net.. you should of stopped botting on that battle net. still keep your items but just dont use that to bot with.
I can guarantee you that the HB team has lost over half it's user base in the last 2 years. probably closer to 75%. The best part is is that the HB team will never come here and admit it, so there's no way for them to prove me wrong.

You may come back and say that the HB team hasn't really lost anything since they already have our money from keys. What about all the lost revenue from the store, which is probably their big money maker right now.

The HB team runs like printer companies do these days. They don't make money off their printers, they make money off their ink. You lose the income from the buddy store, you hurt your business in very real ways.

You lose a large chunk of your income, you lose developers (both current and future ones), you lose your user base and you lose the income to fight a multi-billion dollar company in the courts.

What Blizz has done is caused HB to stop evolving. Look at the number of new botbases created by the core HB team in the last 2 years. A grand total of zero. Look at the status and evolution of BG's. It's been completely stale. Look at the way they handle banwaves. Every time a new one rolls out, they come on these forums and admit that they have no idea how the banwave occurred.

Look what happens when the buddy team releases a new a product for a new Blizz IP. They have a major banwave within 3 days of the bot going live and has caused the software to be down ever since.

If you think Blizz isn't hurting bots, you're straight up delusional.

your thinking is twisting the truth . i am sure HB same as blizzard have Lost people to growing up and new games. sure people quit playing wow and using HB do to bans . anyway you look at it blizzard lost more people because they have more. Hb losing people does not matter they were all Life time keys.

after 12 years 3 bots i know developers (both current and future ones) will come and go.... the same thing with anything in life people move on , people replace them

but it dose not HURT ME at all . Not hurting bots . maybe Hurting HB with the money they spend in courts
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but it dose not HURT ME at all . Not hurting bots

Your post was never about you, so I fail to see why you are making it about you...

You say its not hurting bots, then you go onto say it is hurting bots...

Yes, blizzard losing subs directly affects HB as well. If the game has no more subscribers, they have no more income from new licenses and the buddy store.
Looks like the stripping guild and guild banks if you get banned..

Yeah there was a similar thread a few weeks ago a few of us had the tales of guild bank deletes and full guild bans.
Not that uncommon. Player reports too of suspicious guilds can be accusing too players aren't stupid. What is worse if you got stupid botters on your realm trying to burn you even though half the time you not in competition with them i.e farming felblights.
I can guarantee you that the HB team has lost over half it's user base in the last 2 years. probably closer to 75%. The best part is is that the HB team will never come here and admit it, so there's no way for them to prove me wrong.

Far from the truth. Most of the user base who may have left are just too dumb *cough I would say lack patience, but those people are beyond that with their attitudes* to figure out how to use the program, some of those people are too open about botting (sharing) which results in their ban then blame HB in some way. The other user base are pissed off about the store and ludicrous price schemes for profiles and plugins which took away from the entire point of the botting community base and most of us have lives.